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•Request from @rinaimbored

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← — • ° [ 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 ] ° • — →

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3rd Pov:

The brunette laid down on her bed, thinking of what to do. Now I'm here, what am I gonna do. Now you think about was that an ability user? Tch, how did I not notice that... I miss Chuuya already.

Deciding to sleep because of exhaustion and to ease the pain in her head, her eyes slowly close, as her vision is met by darkness.

A countryhuman watches her as she sleeps, unaware of a certain country watching. He smiled looking at her, ever since she was taken in, he took a quite interest on the woman, she's mysterious and her eyes when she was staring at them during the meeting, sends shiver and excitement in his spine.

He continued to clean the gun on his hand, he sighed in relieve after a country, America, won't stop teasing him for hours and calling him commie, he hates him.

He was getting bored for the past few days, weeks, months, and probably years. And hearing that a mysterious woman appeared out of no where, got him curios, and seeing her in person interest him, specially the way how she looked at Russia during the meeting.

Now he found a new play thing for him to enjoy, he can't wait for tomorrow.

The next day, Osana woke up early, but what suprised her is the clothes that was neatly folded was in the coffee table in her room.

Noticing that her clothes are still wet, (Author: Don't you guys say something.) She took the clothes and went into the bathroom. After 10 minutes of bath, she went out wearing the new set of clothes.

The clothes consist a white buttoned up long-sleeve shirt and a black pencil skirt, it was simple, but she was okay with it, hearing a knock, she went to open the door, only to beg met by a figure, Japan.

"Ah miss Dazai, it seems that the clothes fits you." He said eyeing her up and down, the woman nodded, "さあ、私に従ってください." He said, Osana followed him, she doesn't know where they going, bit she assume that she'll be talking with the countries.

While walking, Japan explained the rules of this place, the brunette sighed clearly bored, so she decide to ignore his talk, looking at the hallways, she can see pictures of the countries.

Arriving at the living room, she can see the all the countries, some aren't there, talking to each other, following Japan, there talking stopped and looked at the new commoners.

She feels eyes like predators looking at her, but she wasn't scared, after all she's a monster. Sitting down at the couch, she was faced with two faces, Britain who's sipping his tea, and Norway who's looking at the gun on his hand.

𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 || 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙓 𝙊𝘾Where stories live. Discover now