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3rd Pov:
Both of there conversation lasted about minutes, well mostly the two were flirting, deciding Norway spend enough time with her, he decided to go.
They both bid goodbye, but there's a feeling that he wants to spend more time with her, so he thought of an idea, he turned around and face her, The brunette was confused of why would he turned back.
"Have you ever explore the mansion?" We're the first words to come out of his mouth, "Other than my room and the meeting room, no, why?" She said, Norway faked coughed "You don't mind if I show you around?" He said, "Well I don't mind, cause I don't want to get lost around this place." She exclaimed.
Walking around the hallways and showing her rooms, the woman kept on humming an unfamiliar tune while she skips, now arriving at the last room, Norway opened the door, but what did she not expect was a bunch of countries watching Russia and America fighting, it seems like a normal thing in this place.
The countries didn't notice the two entering cause they're to occupied in watching the two flags fight, America noticed the tall women inside the room, so he decided to talk to her, ignoring Russia, he walks toward the brunette.
Russia stoped and looked at his rival suprise, he never saw America backed down in an argument event, specially at him, until his eyes lands on a familiar woman, he narrowed his eyes at America.
Osana noticed that America is walking towards her, and before America could reach her, her view was blocked when Norway stood Infront, blocking her view to America. Osana looked at her friend in confusion on why is he blocking America.
America stared at Norway, while Norway was giving off a glare. The American flag looked at him, on why is he protective over a woman, he never really cared for anyone other than his guns, so it suprised him that someone like Norway is protecting a woman, moreover a human.
Norway was giving off a vibe saying 'fuck off' and this not only interest America, it also interest the other countries, he was never like this before, so this is a first.
"Aww, Norway why are you blocking her, I just wanna say hi." America said, Norway glared daggers at him, before saying "faen av" he snarled, the countries were shocked at his vulgar words, sure he cusses America sometimes but never did they hear him cuss out with venom laced.
The brunette watched in boredom, and before they could start a fight, she stood between the two countries, "Ma ma~ don't fight here, it's pointless." She said putting her hands in there chest pushing them off, the two stared for a seconds before looking away.
"あつしと芥川はもういられない." She said sighing, putting her hands in her coat pocket, she stared at the two. A cough can be heard, the three looked behind just to see UK looking at them with a glare, specially America and Norway, "Thank you Miss Dazai for stoping the two from fighting." He thanked, Osana just nodded.
"Dieu merci, vous deux ne vous êtes pas battus." A female voice can be heard behind UK, Osana tilt her head to look at the owner of the voice, and there stood in all her glory France sitting on a chair, looking at the two countries who was about to fight, with a disappointed look plast in her face.
The brunette's eyes sparkle, before disappearing out of Norway and America which scared the two, and appearing Infront of France. Kneeling in one knee, Osana slowly took France's hand and held it in her two hands, before looking at the flag with a seductive look with sparkles around her.
"You're beautiful like a lotus flower, would you like to go on a double suicide with me~"
There was a heavy silent, as France tries to progress what the brunette just said, "What?" France questioned looking at the woman, who still holding her hand, with a shock face.
Before the brunette could say something, Norway grabbed her by her collar, and pulled her to him, not before covering her mouth, he knew what was she about to say.
← — • ° [ Flashback ] ° • — →
"So do you have a dream?" A question that made Norway stopped what he was doing, and looked at the smiling Osana.
He thought for a moment, "Not really, why do you ask?" He said, "Nothing.", There was a silence, until Norway asked her a question, "How about you? Do you have a dream?"
"Well my dream is to commit suicide with a beautiful men or woman." She said no hesitation in her voice, Norway looked at her probably sense if she's lying, but it seems like she's telling the truth.
"Why is it you wish to die anyway?"
She gave him a smile, not like the playful smile she always wear, this one was a bit off, this send shivers down to his spine, until her voice caught his attention.
"Let's turn that question around...is there really any value of this thing we called living?"
Looking at her with a disturbed expression, he caught her eyes glinting red until it disappeared, Norway raised a brow at this but decide to shrug it off.
"Now next question!" She exclaimed entuatiastic, pretending like she never said something dark, so the two spend there time talking, more like Osana asking questions and Norway answering them.
But he can't get the words she said off his mind.
← — • ° [ Flashback End ] ° • — →
He sighed at the flashback, deciding to take her out of the room, before she starts to spout out nonsense, dragging her out of the room, the two left without any word, well more like Osana trying to say something but Norway was still covering her mouth.
The countries looked at each other, still shock of what happened, no words were exchange, so they all left at there own perspective rooms.