Applying for SM

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"I may seem strong, I may be smiling
But there are many times when I'm alone
I may seem like I don't have any worries
But I have a lot to say...."

I lifted my hands slowly off of the piano, and closed the lid. I could hear the sound of my classmates chatting excitedly outside, finally free from another day of school.

Picking up my backpack with a sigh, I reluctantly headed out as well. I waved goodbye to my music teacher on my way out. I was always one of the last ones in the practice rooms after school, and my teacher had grown rather accustomed to hearing me everyday.

Heading out, I immediately saw Lucia and Sophia walking with linked arms. They quickly spotted me as well.

"Hey Holly! Hurry!" Sophia shouted.

I jogged over to them, "what is it?"

"Haven't you heard yet??" Lucia asked breathlessly.

"What?" I repeated.

"SM global auditions!!! They're holding them just 15 minutes away from where we are right now, next week!" Lucia squealed.

I perked up, and smiled, "really? Are you two going?"

In reply, Sophia waved three application forms guidelines in front of my face. I took one, and scanned the fields.

"Aish, they say you should include a picture of yourself," Sophia scowled.

"You're gorgeous," I rolled my eyes, "it's Lucia who has to worry."

"Hey!" Lucia protested with a small laugh.

"Jokes! I love you!!" I cooed. Spotting a familiar car pulling by the curb, I started walking towards it, "I'll see you tomorrow!!"

"Email your applications by tonight! Or else you're going to have to answer to me!!" Sophia threatened.

"Don't worry. I won't skip this chance," I laughed. With a final goodbye, I opened the car door, and sat inside.

"Hey darling. How was your day?" my aunt asked, starting to drive back home.

"The usual," I replied with a sigh, before remembering the application, "they're holding global auditions for SM Entertainment next week, though!"

"Ah, really?" my aunt glanced at the form in my hands, "you're going for it, right?"

"Yep," I confirmed.

"Go and try your best, then!" my aunt encouraged.

I smiled, and contently leaned against the seat, closing my eyes.


After arriving home, I quickly headed to my room and dumped my backpack on the floor. Grabbing a pen, I quickly smoothed out the application form outline and opened my laptop.

"They're finally doing it. I finally have a chance," I whispered, smiling to myself.

Taking out my phone, I opened my messages in preparation for the flood of messages that were sure to happen from Sophia and Lucia before beginning to fill out my application.

My phone started ringing, and I glanced at the caller.


I sighed, and turned my phone off. No matter what questions Sophia and Lucia had, they would have to wait until tomorrow to ask me.

Done the email, I took a deep breath, my mouse hovering over send. I glanced at my phone, and slowly clicked my mouse.

Your email has been sent

Closing my laptop, I leaned back against my chair.

I gazed at the picture of Chen on the wall. I wasn't a fan of them initially, but I had ultimately fallen for Chen's sweet voice when Sophia had played one of the songs he had covered one day. Perhaps now I could finally meet him.

For some reason, I wasn't feeling as happy as I thought I would be.

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