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"Yeah, Holly. The girl that was involved in that terrible accident a few years ago."

A cold trickle started down my spine, something that I only experienced when I knew something bad was going to happen. I was about to walk away when I heard the next few words.

"I can't believe that poor girl had a father like that!"


It was my mother's fault, right? After all these years, I had always blamed my mother.

It was her fault.

Her fault for cheating.

Her fault for leaving.

Her fault for my sister's death.

"But I mean, you don't know what you would do yourself, right? To see your wife cheating on you like that..."

"That's no excuse to attempt to murder someone!"

"Holly," Chen tugged my arm, hard, trying to get me to walk away from those two people, "you shouldn't-"

"Good thing Holly was smart enough to veer the car away."

Veer the car away? But wasn't I sitting in the passenger seat? What were they talking about?

"But you know..."

I involuntarily leaned closer as the man lowered his voice.

"She might've saved her mother, that man, and that child's life, but she was the one who killed her sister."

Killed her sister.


I was a murderer.

"Holly? Holly?!"

Chen was right.

Ava was right.

I was vaguely aware that I had slid down into a crouching position. My ice-cold hands shook as I slowly pressed them tightly against my ears, not wanting to hear anything else. My head was already spinning - spinning with a thousand thoughts, a thousand moments going through my brain, of all the lost memories I had forgotten. They were all starting to come back now.

I had once thought there was a reason why I didn't remember my sister's death clearly.

I now realized I didn't remember it because I didn't want to remember it.

I didn't want to remember that I was a murderer.

"Holly, please say something!"

I abruptly stood up, and ran past Chen, past the two men who were staring at me in alarm, past everyone in the building, and finally reached the fresh air. Taking a few deep breaths, I didn't stop running down the street, my feet pounding hard against the pavement. Past the people who were waiting to get into the studio, past the security guards yelling orders, and past the booths of merchandise.

I finally reached a crossroad, and momentarily paused. I could clearly see the red blinking at me, making me feel even more dizzy than I already was.

My father  zoomed the car backwards a few feet, and stopped so roughly that it threw me forward. I hit my head on the ceiling, and cried out in pain.

"What are you doing?! Appa!?" I could hear my sister screaming in the front seat. The rain kept on pounding against the windshield, louder and louder until it started sounding like my heartbeat. I was scared. I had never seen my father like this.

"What's happening, appa?" I sniffed, my voice cracking.

I was scared. So scared.

I took a step forward, the tip of my feet touching the thick, white lines that indicated the walkway through the intersection.

"I'm just doing what I should have done a long time ago," my father growled. His voice was deeper, angrier, rougher than I had ever heard. It echoed in my ears and I involuntarily felt a chill go down my spine.

"Appa, why don't you go talk to umma?" I asked, whispering.

The next thing I knew it, I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek, and saw my father's livid face as his veins bulged on his neck. I could hear his rough breathing as his red eyes glared into mine.

"Stupid girl! Your mother is a cheater, do you hear me?! There's no point in talking to her, she can't ever be contained! This isn't the first time it happened," my father yelled. His voice echoed throughout the small car, and I shrunk back as he rose his hand threateningly again.

"But I'm going to make sure that this will be the last," my father abruptly turned back around, his voice more firm than ever.

My eyes darted left and right as I took in all the cars that were speeding by right in front of me. Going so fast that there would be no way they could stop in time.

"Appa! Stop it! Why did you hit Holly?!" my sister screamed.

"Shut up!" my father yelled back, starting the car again. I could hear the roar of the engines, the pounding of the rain, the Beyond song still playing in the background, like this was just another normal drive, like we were still happy, like everything was going to be normal after this.

This was the least I could do. The least I could do to make up for my sister's death.

Everything happened in slow motion after that.

I could hear my sister's screams, and my father's livid face as he slammed the gas pedal towards my mother, the man, and the child. As the car headlights swung over to them, the child began wailing as well.

Who was I kidding? I could never make up for killing her.

"No appa!" I screamed, and threw myself at my father. He was going to hit my mom. He was going to hit a young child. I couldn't let that happen.

I deserved to die, and my sister deserved to live.

I grabbed the steering wheel, and turned it sharply to one side. My father yelled in anger, and turned it back.

"Holly, what are you doing?!"  my sister yelled.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I crawled in front of my dad and turned the entire car sharply to the left.

I closed my eyes, tilting my head up to the sky. It was such a beautiful day. The sunlight felt so strong, so bright.

But no matter how strong the sunlight felt, it would always fall to the moonlight in the end.

"I love you, Lily," I whispered.

"I love you too."

There was a loud noise, a chorus of screams, and then everything fell silent.

There was a loud noise, a chorus of screams, and then everything fell silent.


Woah, I just wrote some depressing stuff 0.0

This story has VERY FEW chapters left :)

I hope you've enjoyed reading this ^_^



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