• Prologue •

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Third Person POV

"Anakin, can I trust you to behave while I have a meeting with the council?" Obi Wan asked as he raised an eyebrow at his rebellious Padawan, worrying about the trouble he might get into if he was left unattended.

"Master, I'm not a kid anymore. But if it makes you feel better, I promise I won't get into any trouble." The young Padawan smirked, giving his master and friend a salute before heading off to the training grounds.

Obi Wan shook his head before heading off towards the council room, curious as to what mission they could be sending him and his Padawan off too. Throughout the years he's been Anakin's Jedi Master, they have been on numerous missions to help with his Jedi training.

"Master Kenobi, it's always a pleasure seeing you." Mace Windu stated as he watched Obi Wan enter the council's meeting room. Obi Wan respectfully bowed before the council.

"A mission we have for you, Master Kenobi." He heard Yoda speak next, and turned to look at him attentively waiting for him to tell him more about this mission he'd be going off on. "Alone you must go, for too dangerous it is."

"You want me to go on this mission without my Padawan?" Obi Wan asked hesitantly. If they wanted him to go alone, then it really must be a dangerous one.

"We have felt a disturbance in the force, on the planet Scarif. From what we've heard, there is a slave trade that's been started on the once peaceful planet. The last thing we need is some dark force user to take advantage and corrupt the planet." Mace Windu finished, gaining Obi Wan's attention once again.

"A disturbance in the force, coming from Scarif? That is odd." The young Master sighed, rubbing his beard. "I shall head off first thing in the morning." He bowed respectfully again at the council before making his way out of the meeting room.

As he made his way to the training grounds he tried to think of way's of breaking the news to his Padawan that he would be going on this mission on his own. He knew his apprentice would be upset at the news, but he knew if he told him the full details that entail he'd get angrier. The last thing he wanted was to help him feed into his emotions, something he's been trying to teach his Padawan to get better control of over the years.

As he reached the training grounds he saw his young apprentice practicing his lightsaber skills on some training dummies, he was a skillful swordsman. "Anakin!" He called out, getting his Padawans attention.

"Master, how did your meeting go with the council?" Anakin asked as he jogged towards his friend, wiping the sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"I wish I could brief you on my meeting, my friend, but sadly I've been given a mission I must complete on my own." He sighed, watching a scowl form on Anakin's face.

"I'm not allowed to go on this mission with you? That's not fair Obi Wan, I'm the chosen one. How am I supposed to learn anything being locked up in this temple." Anakin grumbled out, folding his hands over his chest, ever since he joined The Order he felt as though the council was always against him, always waiting for him to take the wrong step.

"Patience my young Padawan, it is a dangerous mission and the council would hate to put you in harms way." Obi Wan stated, giving Anakin a pat on the shoulder hoping he'd get a better hold of his temper.

"I'm sorry Master." Anakin sighed, putting his head down in defeat. "Where is this mission anyways, if I'm allowed to ask?"

"The planet of Scarif, I leave in the morning. I should go and prepare for my trip. Continue your training and I'll see you at dinner." He said finally, giving his friend a small smile.

Anakin tried to smile back but it didn't quite reached his eyes, he bowed at his Master and turned back towards the dummies he was training on. For whatever reason he couldn't ignore the pull he felt in his heart at the mention of Scarif. Whatever mission his Master had on this planet was going to change everything.

Authors note!
I just wanted to end the prologue by saying hello, my names Dani and I'm fairly new to the Star War's fandom so just bare with me if I make any mistakes. Criticism is appreciated as long as it isn't rude. I obviously don't own any of the Star Wars characters and I hope you guys enjoy my take on a love story were my love Anakin hopefully gets the happy ending he deserves! 🫶🏽

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