• Chapter 3 •

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Should I be scared of meeting this 'Jedi Council'?" I asked Anakin as we made our way into the Jedi temple, it was huge. Just like every other building I had seen since we landed on Coruscant, the whole city was too extravagant for my taste.

"Honestly, at first they can be a little intimidating if I'm being honest. You'll warm up to them eventually." He playfully bumps my shoulder, hoping that would help calm my nerves.

I hope I don't stay here long enough to warm up to them, I thought to myself. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile, trailing behind him and Obi Wan as they lead me through the confusing corridors of the Jedi temple. Would this be my new home?

"You will stay out here and wait for us, I mean it Anakin!" Obi Wan said firmly, stopping in-front of a large door.

"What? Why? Don't I deserve to know what'll happen to her? I helped save her." He scolded, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes on a mission you weren't even invited on." His mentor reminded him, a condescending look on his face. Anakin sighed in defeat, dropping his head. I gently rubbed his arm, hoping my actions would show how grateful I was for them saving me. He looked up, giving me that drop dead gorgeous smile. Focus!

"Let's head inside young," Obi turned to look at me, a confused look on his face. "We never even asked your name, I do apologize."

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (y/l/n)." I smiled at him.

"Beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." Anakin said, causing a blush to form on my cheeks. Obi Wan shook his head, giving him a stern look, before heading in through the doors. I quickly followed behind, putting my head down.

"Ah, it's good to see your mission on Scarif was a success!" A man spoke, staring at Obi Wan, then turning his attention towards me. He had a curious glint in his eyes. "And who might this be?"

"Her name is (Y/n) (y/l/n), Master Windu. I believe she was the disturbance in the Force the council had felt." Obi Wan says, giving me a small sympathetic smile. I shuffled on my feet nervously, everyone turning their gaze to me.

"How is it possible we the council never felt her presence in the Force before?" I turned to the voice, seeing the question had been asked by a Kel Dorian.

"If I'm not mistaken, the girl has been suppressing her force abilities until recently." Obi Wan turned to me, as if to ask if he was correct with his statement. I nodded.

"Ever since I was a very young girl, my mother taught me to suppress these abilities. She feared they would get me taken away from her." I turn back to the council to see their reactions, or lack of might I add. They were extremely good at hiding any form of facial expressions.

"Too old you are, to become a Padawan." A small green creature spoke next, I've never seen his kind before. He was definitely adorable. "Powerful with the force, you are."

"Her Midi-Chlorian test was extremely high for someone so out of tune with the Force." Obi Wan stated, rubbing his beard.

"What were her test results?" The first Jedi spoke again, Master Windu if I recall correctly.

"Over 19,000, reaching close to the 20,000 might I add." He stated firmly, finally getting a reaction from a few of the council members. They looked at me curiously, I hated being the center of this much attention.

"In the temple, she must remain. Observe her power, we must." The green creature spoke again, causing my heart to drop.

"I do apologize, but I can't stay. My family could be in danger." I spoke firmly and assertively. I couldn't just leave my family behind, and I certainly didn't care about this Force these people keep talking about.

"We ask that you please stay, at least for a couple of days while we figure all of this out. We promise that we will do what we can to help your family." Obi Wan looks at me, pleading. I had a feeling I could trust him with my life, but staying behind in this temple. I don't know if I could do it.

"You're far to old to start Padawan training, but given the unique circumstances how about we assign you a Jedi Master for a few days. Then you can decide if you want to leave or stay. Dark times lie ahead." Master Windu stated, looking deep into my eyes. I couldn't help the out I felt in my stomach, what did I have to do with these 'dark times'?

I didn't understand any of this, it was all so confusing. I know nothing about the Jedi or the Force, but something deep in me was screaming at me to stay. As I stood here in the presence of these 'Jedi Masters' I felt a warmth envelope me, I felt a light. I felt safe.

"I will put my faith in you and stay for a couple of days, although it pains me to think of what I'm leaving behind." I finally mumble out, giving into the voice that was telling me to stay.

"Attachments you still hold, that is evident. With time, you will let go. A master, we must find you." The creature spoke again, causing me to raise an eyebrow. I'd be getting my own teacher, like Anakin. My heart fluttered at the thought of him.

"Master Yoda, might I suggest my old apprentice, Depa Billaba." Master Windu spoke again, directing his attention to the small green creature. So this is the famous Yoda everyone was talking about.

"It would be my pleasure to have the girl as my Padawan, even if it is for a short while." I turn towards the voice, the woman smiled warmly at me. I couldn't help but be captivated by her appearance, especially the piercings located on her nose and forehead.

"Why don't you help the girl get settled, while we wrap up this discussion?" Master Windu asked her, they obviously wanted to keep discussing something without my presence.

Master Billaba stood up from her chair, before turning to the rest of the council and bowing. She smiled at me as she made her way towards me, leading me out of the the council room. "Why don't we go find you a bedroom and change you into some Jedi robes?"

"So you decided to stay." I saw Anakin say as he leaned on the wall outside the council room, he straightened up a bit noticing I wasn't alone. "Master Billaba." He bowed his head.

"Young Padawan, your Master should be heading out soon." Master Billaba smiled at him, he gave her a small nod, prompting her to start walking again down the long corridor.

"Thank you, again." I smiled at him, before heading off towards my new master.

"Anytime!" I heard him call out.

I turned back one more time to look at him, a smile breaking out onto both of our face's. I waved back at him, watching his figure fade into the distance. Maybe this new life might not be so bad if he was around.

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