• Chapter 1 •

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(Y/n) POV

Just try to remain calm, my family will look for me. Stay calm, breathe.

These were the thoughts going through my head right now as I felt the cold metal shackles clank against my wrist, I winced as I saw the bruises that had formed in the area. I had to keep affirming myself that someone will come and rescue me, even though it's been months since I've been captured, I couldn't lose hope.

See these things don't happen on the planet I'm from, especially not in the small village I come from deep in the lush green Scarif jungles. Yet somehow the evil of the outside world had reached my once peaceful planet, turning it into a hot spot for slave trading. It started with a kidnapping here and there, and before we even had the chance to register what was happening the majority of the village had been enslaved.

My mother and sisters had luckily made it out along with some of the other women and children in the village, I couldn't stand to leave my older brother behind. I couldn't let him die, so I stayed behind to help him. I had to make sure everyone in my family made it out of this okay, that's how I ended up getting caught. I put up a hell of a fight before it happened though, I wasn't going to make my capture easy for them.

I had always been different from my siblings, I felt things, I saw things. My mother was scared of this, she told me if anybody ever found out I would get taken from her. From a young age she taught me to suppress these 'powers' as she'd call them, and for a long time I did suppress them, heck I even forgot I had them. Thinking back on it now, it was foolish of me to do so.

If I would have just learned to use these powers, I would have been able to save my village. I would have been able to save my family. I would have been able to save myself. Now here I sat, in a prison cell, being punished.

I did feel extremely guilty for what I had done, it wasn't my intention, I would never go out of my way to purposely hurt someone. My mother taught me better, she taught me to be compassionate and treat everyone with love, no matter what circumstances. I let fear and anger cloud my judgment and it all happened before I could even stop myself, my stomach churns with disgust even thinking back to what I had done.

Maybe they deserved it, what kind of sick person thinks they can own another human being as if they were some kind of object. But even if they did deserve it, it wasn't right of me to get revenge. I shouldn't have pushed them out of that window, heck how was I supposed to know my thoughts had that much power.

"Thank the stars your master survived, slave scum!" The guard spat at me, sneering from his position outside my holding cell. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders hearing my owner had survived, I couldn't live with myself knowing I had killed a person.

Snap out of it!

I told myself realizing the words I said, calling someone my owner isn't normal. But I guess my life stopped being normal the day I got captured.

"What the hell is going on up there." The guard said hearing some commotion coming from the upstairs floor.

I closed my eyes, and felt my heart flutter. Why was I feeling this? Maybe I was finally going to be saved from this hell hole, but I've gotten my hopes up too many times only for them to be crushed every single time.

Whatever was happening brought me some sort of calmness and comfort, it was like a warm light enveloping me into a hug. It felt good, it felt peaceful.

"That is the main reason I didn't want you to come!" I heard someone yell from outside the prison doors, grunting I heard something fall to floor, a body maybe?

"Why wouldn't you want to bring me on a mission to stop a slave trading route? Knowing my past!" I heard another voice shout as the door was suddenly kicked open, revealing two men with glowing sticks in their hands.

The youngest one made eye contact with me, and I couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in my stomach as his blue eyes bore into my (y/e/c) ones. He was the most beautiful man I'd ever lay eyes on, I quickly shifted my gaze back down. Maybe doing so would stop my heart from feeling like it would pop out of my chest.

"Well what do we have here? Jedi scum!" The prison guard sneered as he pulled out his blaster and started shooting at both men. Jedi? What the heck was a Jedi? I feel like I've heard that before but I can't remember where.

I watched as the men deflected every shot that was thrown at them, before the older one slid on the floor and dragged his foot under the guard causing him to fall. He used the hilt of his light sword to hit the guard on his head, he quickly became unconscious.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked looking at the guard passed out on the floor, I shouldn't even care considering the way he would treat me.

"Don't worry about him miss, what's important is getting you out of this cell." The older man said as he grabbed the keys of off the guards belt and made his way towards the door of my holding cell. "I'm Obi Wan, and this is my Padawan, Anakin."

Anakin, what a beautiful name. I shifted my gaze to him and saw that he had already been staring at me, I blushed and looked down. "What's a Padawan?" I asked confused, never having heard that word before.

"I'm guessing they don't teach you much about the Jedi order on Scarif huh?" I heard a beautiful voice speak, as I looked up again to see Anakin now in my cell. He held one of his hands out, as if to ask me if I could place mine into his. I hesitantly put one of my shackled hands into his, and watched as it magically opened and fell onto the floor.

I couldn't help but sigh in relief feeling the constraint free my hand, he smiled taking my other hand in his, freeing it as well.

"Thank you!" I couldn't help the toothy smile that formed on my lips, I was finally going to be free again. He looked into my eyes and smiled back at me, nodding his head slightly.

"Yes this is great and all, but we better start heading out before more reinforcements arrive." The older one, Obi Wan said. I nodded and followed them out of the chambers and upstairs into the lavish mansion. There were droids and guards scattered all over the floor and I couldn't help the horrified look that formed on my face.

"Don't worry the guards aren't dead, it's not the Jedi way." Anakin smiled at me again, running towards the front entrance. I smiled back at him, still trying to think from where have I heard that word before. Then it hit.

I stopped running and look towards the two men who were in front of me. The Jedi were the people my mother warned me about, the ones who would take me away from her if they discovered the powers I possessed. I couldn't let them take me, I had to find my family.

"Hey don't stop, we have to get out of here before it gets more dangerous." Anakin stopped to look at me, holding his hand out to me.

"I can't let you take me, I have to find my family and rescue them." I shook my head, hesitant to keep on going with them.

"Well, young one, how are you meant to save them if you get captured again?" Obi Wan said, raising an eyebrow at me. He's not wrong. "We've caused enough damage and freed enough slaves here to disrupt the slave trade the Zygerrian's have in your country, but trust us when we say they'll have sent backup by now that will probably be arriving soon on the planet!" Obi Wan urged, looking towards the door. He must have sensed the distrust I was feeling towards them.

I sighed and nodded, finally walking back towards them and heading with them out towards their ship. I felt that I could trust them and that they were good people, call it my six sense. If I wanted to find my siblings and my mother, going with them might be my only hope.

An: I hate leaving author notes but the picture of Scarif obvi doesn't belong to me, yuh.

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