• Chapter 2 •

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Third Person POV

"We'll take you back to Coruscant, it should be safer for you there." Obi Wan told the young girl as he brought her into his ship, his young, hard headed Padawan trailing behind. He would scold him later once they finally made it off the planet.

"What? You're taking me with you?!" The young girl exclaimed, the fears implemented in her from a young age finally coming to fruition.

"We can't just leave you behind, it's too dangerous." The young Padawan said from behind her, closing the aircraft's door.

"I've never even been off planet, please I beg you, leave me off at my village at least." The girl pleaded to no avail, Obi Wan knew that the disturbance in the force the council had sensed was connected to this girl.

"I'm sorry, we are doing this for your own safety." Obi Wan stated, taking a seat in the co-pilot chair. The young girl stood there, shocked seeing as the two men piloted the ship, her home planet getting smaller and smaller with each passing second.

She huffed in defeat and slumped into one of the chairs located behind the pilot seats, if she was going to be taken to a new planet against her will, she might as well rest. She couldn't remember the last time she peacefully slept. Within minutes and thanks to the lulling movements of the ship, she was fast asleep.

"Why is it so hard for you to follow my orders?" Obi Wan finally asked his apprentice, taking advantage of the fact their new guest was fast asleep.

"I'm sorry Master, I couldn't let you go on a dangerous mission all on your own." Anakin said, dropping his head. He hated to admit it, but he worried about his teacher and friend. Not to mention when he heard the mission was about dismantling a slave trade, he couldn't just sit back and watch innocent people getting their freedom taken away. He knew how it felt.

"I've told you Anakin, you have to learn to keep your emotions in check. I appreciate you worrying about me, but it is not the Jedi way." Obi Wan said firmly, staring intently at Anakin.

"Sorry master, it won't happen again." The young boy sighed out, annoyed of the lecture he was receiving.

Obi Wan nodded before turning his attention to the girl sleeping peacefully behind them, he felt the force was strong in her.

"Do you feel it, Master?" Anakin asked, looking over at Obi Wan before turning his gaze onto the girl as well. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was, the most gorgeous thing he's ever seen in the galaxy.

He shook his head trying to get those thoughts out of his head.

It's not the Jedi way!

"Yes, the force is very strong with her. I'm surprised the council didn't feel her presence earlier, she must have suppressed her force abilities until recently given the situation at hand." Obi Wan said, shifting his gaze back into the emptiness of space ahead of them.

"What'll happen to her? She's too old to join the Order." Anakin asked, his eyes still fixed on the sleeping girl. He was worried for her fate, he knew how cruel the council could be sometimes.

"We'll have to wait and see young Padawan, we'll have to wait and see." He sighed out, anxious to see what the council had in store for the poor girl.

(Y/n)'s POV

"They're attacking the village, we have to run!" I heard my mothers panicked voice calling to me.

"(Y/n) what are you doing? You have to leave, now!" My brothers voice scolded me, causing my chest to tighten in pain.

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