• Chapter 4 •

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(Y/n)'s POV

I've been in the temple for a week now and it had been a hard adjustment to say the least.

Master Billaba has been doing a fantastic job at teaching me about the Jedi's and about the Jedi way, although I don't agree with some of their philosophies. I mean no attachments? Who could live a life like that. Now I can see why they would take Force sensitive beings away at such a young age, which is another thing I find highly questionable.

It had also been a week since I last saw Anakin and Master Obi Wan, they'd apparently been sent off on another mission. I couldn't be upset at it. They rescued me, now there's another lost soul out there that needs help as well. That's one of the main reasons I've decided it would be best for me to stay at the temple and study the way of the Jedi. I want to help people. I wanted to make the galaxy a safer place.

"Okay my young Padawan, I have a meeting with the council, but I trust you will stay focused on your training whilst I'm gone?" Master Billaba asked, standing up from the floor where we had been meditating. She was teaching me how to channel the force, how to feel it around me.

"Yes Master." I gave her a small smile. Let's just say my short attention span was a bit troublesome when it came to me becoming 'one with the force' as she'd put it.

I sighed and closed my eyes again, feeling my master leave the training grounds. I felt her force signature get weaker and weaker with each step she took. That's good, that means I'm becoming attuned with the force.

I suddenly felt another force signature, one that made my heart pound forcefully in my chest and butterflies to erupt in my stomach. The same one I felt in that cell the day I was rescued. Anakin.

"It's good to see you're still here, I was scared you would've ran off home by now." I heard him say, my eyes still closed. I smiled.

"Well I decided maybe I'm more needed here." I sighed out, finally opening my eyes.

He's so gorgeous. I thought as my eyes landed on him. He was leaning against the doorframe, a giant grin on his face.

"So, how has Jedi life been treating you?" He asked as he made his way towards me, sitting down next to me on the floor.

"I mean I've only been here for a week, but Padawan training is okay I guess. It's been very interesting learning about the history of the Jedi." I exclaimed excitedly, history and learning about the past being a passion of mines ever since I could remember. I saw him scrunch his nose.

"So you're a nerd." He laughed as I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"So I like learning and research? Doesn't make me a 'nerd'." I roll my eyes at him. He shakes his head at me.

"Uh yeah, it totally makes you a nerd." I couldn't help but burst out laughing at his statement, earning a chuckle from him.

"So, how was your super secret mission?" I asked after calming down from my laughing fit, focusing my eyes on his. They were beautiful and I couldn't help but lose myself in them.

"Super secret? Far from that." He chuckles at my statement, keeping his eyes trained on me. "Same as always, Obi Wan gets into some sort of trouble and I have to save him."

"Aren't you a humble one?" I ask playfully.

"Well I try." He teases.

"Shoot I have to keep practicing my meditation, or I'll have an earful when Master Billaba gets back from her meeting." I sigh sadly, not wanting our conversation to end.

"Can I join you?" He ask me, hopeful. "Maybe some meditation is what I need to help clear my head."

"Of course!" I smile at him.

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