• Chapter 6 •

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(Y/n) POV

I sat quietly throughout the whole flight to Naboo, getting some wary looks from my mentor. I could tell she wanted to ask me what was wrong, but sensing my mood she probably didn't want to pry too much into it. I was thankful for that.

After what felt like an eternity, the ship was finally landing.

"I know it can be nerve wracking going off on your first mission, but you'll do great. And you'll have me here by your side guiding you." Billaba smiled as she gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. I had the best master training me and I was so grateful for her.

"Thank you master." I bowed my head at her, hoping it would show her my appreciation.

We quickly made it off of the ship and were escorted into the city of Theed, heading to Senator Amidala's family home. I felt bad that we would be showing up at her house so late into the night but her protection was our priority, and the sooner we got there the better.

When we arrived at the senators house I was taken back by the beauty of it. The brick stairs leading up the the front doors were covered in flower pots, not to mention the greenery that naturally covered the planet. Naboo was definitely a pleasant change compared to the dullness and fast paced, city-covered planet of Coruscant.

"Let's get moving." I was pulled out of my thoughts by my Master who was already halfway up the stairs. Before she could even knock on the door it was pulled open. I couldn't help but stare at the young woman who had opened the door, she was stunning.

"Master Billaba, it's a pleasure to meet you!" The young woman beamed, outstretching her hand and giving Billaba a handshake.

"Likewise although I wish the circumstances were different."

"Yes all of this is very unfortunate, but if fighting for what's right were easy, everyone would be doing it." The woman beamed, turning her attention to me. "Hello, and you are?"

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n), Lady Amidala." I bowed my head at her.

"Please no need for formalities! I'm Padme and please come in!" She smiled at me before opening the door wider for us to walk in. I smiled back before following Master Billaba inside of the senators home.

We were led to her guest bedroom where we would be sleeping for the rest of the night, then in a couple of days we would be escorting the senator back to Coruscant where she should be safer.

"Are you sure we can't convince you to leave sooner?" I heard Billaba ask, my focus on all the pictures scattered throughout the house. My heart ached looking at them, it reminded me of home. I missed my own family.

"I'm sorry I still have a responsibility to my planet and it's people, I can't just leave without handling some unfinished work with the Queen." She frowned. I admired her loyalty to her people, she loved this planet, that much I could feel radiating off of her.

"I understand." My master bowed at Senator Padme.

"I'll leave you two to rest, have a good night." She was gone within seconds.

"Welp, this seems easy enough." I sighed out as I started changing out of my Jedi robes into my sleeping gown.

"Too easy, do you sense that?" She shook her head and closed her eyes, I copied her closing my own eyes.

"Something feels off in the force, that's for sure." I agreed opening my eyes back up.

"Rest my young Padawan, I feel like we're going to have a rough path ahead of us." I nodded crawling into one of the beds, today had been a long day and I my body was definitely craving some rest.

I quickly drifted off to sleep with the image of two piercing blue eyes in my mind.


"Watch out!" I heard a voice yell, but it was too late. My body felt as if it were set on fire, and the force of the lighting that was hitting me pushed me roughly up against a wall. The pain was agonizing, so much so I couldn't even scream. I wanted it to stop.

The pain suddenly stopped and I could faintly hear the sound of lightsabers clashing against each other. I had to regain my strength soon, the man I loved was in danger and I had to help him.

"Agh!" I heard Anakin yell, I had failed him.

I suddenly bolted up in my bed, sweat covering my forehead. I put a hand against my chest trying to calm my beating heart. That dream, it felt so real.

"Jedi's aren't supposed to have nightmares." I heard Master Billaba say, I quickly turned to look at her. She was meditating in front of the window, her back towards me.

"I'm sorry." If I didn't get my emotions under control, I would never become a Jedi.

"I know this must all be so hard for you, adjusting to the Jedi ways. One of the reason's we take force sensitive beings away so young is because of attachments." She got up from her position near the window and walked towards me, a sad smile on her face. "It takes time to learn how to get a handle on your emotions, but with time young Padawan you will learn to let those feelings go, and you will heal."

I couldn't help the guilt I was feeling. Yes, my family was one of the main reason's I couldn't let go of personal attachment's, but I knew deep down there was another big reason for my attachment issues. Anakin Skywalker.

If I wanted to progress in my Jedi training, I had to let go of my emotions. My emotions for him and my emotions for my family.

"Do you promise?" I asked my master, getting a confused look from her. "Do you promise that with time, I'll be able to forget those  that I love and become a Jedi?"

"It may seem difficult now because this is all so new to you, but if you really wish to help people by joining the Jedi order, you will learn." She smiled at me, rubbing my arm. I couldn't help the sense of peace that came over me, the way it always did whenever Billaba gave me any piece of advise. Nobody could ever replace my mother, but I was grateful Depa Billaba had become something of a maternal figure to me.

"The Senator has a meeting with Queen Jamillia, why don't you get dressed so we can head out with her. I feel like you'll really love Naboo." Billaba said, throwing my robes at my head. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips.

"Aye, aye, Master." I said as I got out of bed. I was definitely excited to explore this new planet.

AN: I had a rough time writing thing chapter if I'm being honest, I wanted to introduce Padme to the story and didn't know how. As I progressed with the chapter I knew the direction I wanted it to take and I wanted to establish (Y/n) relationship with her Jedi Master. Hopefully I gave the relationship they have formed some Justice. Also sorry if it's a short chapter and that Anakin isn't really in it, I just want to establish relationships before I rush the characters into anything. 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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