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The sky was now dark and every Metkayinan and a few Omaticayan were gathered for dinner. Neytiri and Jake sat with Tonowari, waiting on the arrival of Ronal. The sully children sat with Tsireya and Aunong. Aunong however was really only talking to his friends, which was not a suprise. There was a space between Tsireya and Aunong that should've been filled by their older sister, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"So what did you all think of today? I know we didn't get to anything and I apologize for that."Tsireya asked the sully family, trying to keep the conversation going.

"I though it was great! I had so much fun! Your sister was also really cool when she was jumping on those water animals!" Tuk replied before going to her food.

"Yeah um, speaking of that, how does she... you know, do... that?" Kiri asked, seeming to not really know how to describe what she had witnessed earlier.

All the sullys were now listening closely, they all had been wondering that same since earlier on the beach.

Tsireya paused before answering. "I am not entirely sure, none of my family is. She has just always had a special connection to the ocean or Ewya maybe? I mean she is one of the best healers on this island. Oh! And you guys didn't even see it today but sometimes she can even move the water!" She explained to the family.

"Wait like... like a superpower?" Loak asked

"Well, I mean I guess. She can't like control a lot of water but she has moved droplets or small pods of it before. I don't know it's hard to explain you'll have to see it."

Clearing his throat, Neyetam looked over to Tsireya. "Where is Kætalaya? Does she usually not eat with you all?"

"Oh no she does! She must be finishing training or something like that"

Just as Tsireya finished her sentence a certain Na'vi plopped down right next to her, seeming to have appeared from nowhere.

Compared to the girl they met earlier, the one now was a complete 180. Kætalaya said nothing to group and sat with her head down, hands fidgeting in her lap. She had grabbed a plate full of food but couldn't seem lest interested in it. Soon after she sat down her mother had appeared and joined the adults.

Neteyam and Kiri shared a look between each other, then seeming to be the only two that remembered what they had heard right before dinner.

"How was training sister?" Tsireya asked trying to get her sister to speak and possibly lighten her mood.

"It was the same." She responded, voice lifeless and head still down.

Tsireya heart stung at the current sight of her sister. More and more meals were becoming like this. It seemed each day more life was being sucked out of her older sister and she had no idea what to do to try and help her.

To Kætalaya's right, Aunong started nudging her with his elbow. "Why the long face sister? Mommy was mean to you again?" He said laughing along with friends

Tsireya shoved her brother, hard. "Back off Aunong, now. She stated sternly, shooting daggers at the boy.

Kætalaya remained head down. She looked like a shell of a Na'vi, like she hadn't just felt or heard her brother.

"Oh come on 'Reya we're just having fun." He dismissed his younger sister, before returning back to his oldest one.

"I mean don't you think it's kinda weird Kæ, that Mom only treats you this way? Did you ever think it has something to do with you and not her? I mean maybe you really are the outcast of our family and mom is the only who is brave enough to do something about it. Maybe she-"

Kætalya had had enough, maybe she couldn't stand up to her mother but she could stand up to her younger brother. Lifting her head for the first time she responded.

"Well maybe if you weren't so thick skulled Aunong, I wouldn't have to go through all this training alone. But that's not gonna happen because you were to much of a Skxawng and failed all our lessons."

Aunong glared at her before returning to his food. Finally someone had shut the boy up.

"Oh sister." Tsireya said sadly, tenderly going to touch the side of Kætalayas face, what she had been trying to cover the whole time.

A fresh, half dried blood wound sat on the side of the girls face. It to have been done through some sort of small knife. This wound however was bigger than the others ones Tsireya had seen, Kætalaya had been able to cover those up. This one started at her hairline and went to her cheekbone.

The three older sully children noticed this, started to become very confused by the oldest girls life.

"Are you alright?" Neyetam asked softly, a look of sadness in his eyes.

Kætalaya swatted Tsireya hand away quickly. "It is nothing." She grabbed her tray and stood up. "Im not very hungry, so I'm going to call it a night. I hope you all enjoy your meal." With that she walked off and disappeared into the darkness of the night.

"Should someone go after her? I feel like she shouldn't be left alone right now." Neteyam asked, looking back at the beach where the girl had just disappeared to.

"No, she wants to be left alone." Tsireya sighed, before turning to Aunong. "She gets enough from mother, she doesn't need it from you too. Tormenting your own family isn't something to be proud of brother." She said harshly to the boy.

"It's also just embarrassing" Kiri added.

Aunong rolled his eyes at this, returning his attention to his friends.

"Your brothers a bitch" Loak added, quietly enough so Aunong wouldn't hear him. Loak didn't want to get in any more trouble from his parents.

Tsireya just nodded, going back to her food. She felt helpless. Her older sister had always been such a bright light. Funny, outgoing, and always looked out for others, making sure they were ok. Making sure she had always been ok. And now when her sister needed her, Tsireya couldn't help her.

For the rest of dinner she tried to distract herself with the sully family, listening to their conversations. Trying to remember a time her and her siblings were like that.

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