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It had been two days since Neteyams little scare with the Ilu's and let's just say the boy was enjoying himself.

Back home he was a warrior. Always doing something, always sore or in pain, always worried, and never having anytime to just well, relax.

Even though it had just been two days, they were paradise. He got to sleep the whole day, have food brought to him, got healing massages from the elders, and other healings from a certain chiefs daughter.

Spending time with Kætalaya made him forget how homesick he was, how worried about the war and his family he was, she was like a warm hug.

A warm hug full of insults and snarky comments, but warm nonetheless.

Because she was to become the next chief she had to practice various skills, one of those being healing. So for the past two days the majority of Kætalaya's time had been spent with Neteyam.

She could admit he was nice to be around. He was defiantly different from the other boys. Not as egotistical, dominating, or overall unpleasant. However and what she kept reminding herself, they only knew each other about a week, his true colors would come out eventually. He would be just like all the other men, so she was just trying to enjoy the now and not think about the later, which in her eyes was bound to happen.

It was now midday, around the time Neteyam got brought lunch. Kætalaya thought the whole thing was a bit ridiculous. Yes the boy almost died, yes it was so scary, blah blah blah. But he was obviously fine, fine enough to get his own meals.

But nonetheless from the orders of her mother, Kætalaya brought him his meals three times a day.

Neteyam was carving something with one of his knifes when the door of the Marui was opened, his nose filling with the scents of the meal in Kætalaya's hands.

"Hello." Neteyam said quickly, shoving his carving behind him suspiciously

"Hi?" Kætalaya responded, noticing the boys weird action.

She brought the tray over to Neteyams side, quickly looking up at the boy, who was already looking at her. Her eyes diverted quickly and she went over to the pot with the healing rubs.

"How are you feeling today? Like you still need to be treated like some fucking deadly ill Navi." She asked the boy, who sheepishly smiled at her remark.

"I almost died, remember?" He questioned back, accent thick on his words.

"You? Died? What! It's almost like I'm the one who.. who saved you!" She responded back sarcastically, playing with the boy.

He watched her dig through the pot to try and find the right things. Her brows knitted together but a smile lingering on her face from their banter, like the one lingering on his.

"Shut up." He said lowly, replaying the moments of her lips on his. Neteyam shook his head physically, as if that would make the though go away.

"Ok!" She exclaimed, finally having found the right ones! "Just letting you know these ones are a little different from what we've been doing." She explained.

He gave her a look to go on

"Right so until now you've just been ingesting various things, but now um- their going to be rubbed... on you?" She said, not really sure the best way to go about this.

"Rubbed?" He asked tilting his head confused.

"Yeah I have to rub the stuff on your face and blow on it. Don't ask I don't know why, the ancient Navi must've been on some kinda something when making this stuff up." She said before making her way over to him.

He nodded, scooting himself up to still sit while his back rested against the wall.

"Alright, can you sit criss crossed? " She asked , pointing the boy where to go.

He nodded and quickly adjusted himself, she liked his listening capabilities.

Kætalaya sat herself right in front of Neteyam, knees touching each others. Their faces were only a foot or so apart, while Kætalaya was preordering the healings Neteyam examined the girl. Her hair, eyes, nose, li-, well it doesn't really matter what he was looking at but it was a nice view. He hadn't gotten up close to her since they've met and the little details of her were so encapsulating, to him at least. He quickly shook this off as she turned to look at him, purple paste on her hands.

She laughed before speaking, "Alright I'm going to spread this on your face. I'm sorry this is kinda an awkward situation." She said quieter

Neteyam simply smiled, "It's alright, I don't mind." He said softly, gazing at her.

She brought her hands to his skin and he felt shocks in his stomach. He quickly tried to deep breathe to get rid of these little bursts but every time Kætalaya would apply the paste the sensations would return.

"I think I may be allergic to this paste." He stated, not understanding the feeling in his stomach.

"That's impossible, sit still I'm almost done. She said dismissing him

Kætalaya's hand lingered on his jawbone as she swiped the last bit of cream on it. She started to run her hand up and down the boys face. His skins was just so... so,

Kætalaya's realized whatever she had been doing and quickly retracted her hand. Eyes widening at herself because what was that?

Neteyam hadn't seem to mind his at all, he had closed his eyes at the soft motion of her even softer hands. However once her hands disappeared the shocks went away.

"You were right, I must've adjusted to the cream" He sighed.

"I know I was right." She replied smiling at him.

There was a pause, change in the air.

"Ok, so now I am going to have to uh- um, blow... on your face. I'm really sorry." She said, the awkwardness she felt internally seeping into her words.

"As long as you didn't just eat this lunch, I think I'll be ok." He said trying to ease the mood.

She laughed a little before sighjng and moving herself closer to him. Neteyams body tensing a little at the action.

"Ok close your eyes and try to not move." She instructed the boy softly, voice sounding like honey.

Neteyam nodded, her voice and proximity making it hard for him to focus.

He soon felt a warm sensation on his skin, making his whole body aware. His body starting to glow and ears wiggle as the girls breathe fanned over him gently.

Kætalaya suddenly felt a tail around her thigh.

She laughed softly, still near the boys face. "Neteyam." She whispered, noses centimeters apart.

The boys slowly opened his eyes, then widening when he was how close the two were to each other.

"Yes?" He said weakly

"Can you control your tail please?" She spoke in a whisper, a playful smile on her face.

Neteyams whole face flushed, completely embarrassed.

He nodded, having to physically grab it to get it off the girl.

"Good." She stated before telling him to close his eyes again as she was almost done.

Neteyam sat there quietly and tried not to implode on himself. Soon it was done and she packed up the healing tools.

Neteyam had started to eat, Kætalaya and him talking about random things while she was about to head out.

Then suddenly Roxto bursted into their Marui, "Kæ come quick please!" He reached his hand out to her.

"Wait what, what happened? She asked, setting the pot on the ground.

Roxto opened his mouth to say something but noticed Neteyam. He looked at him before back at the girl.

"Just come, it's an emergency."

Guys I'll check for spelling errors tmrw
I'm so tired let's be real

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