Chapter Three: The Waitress and The Wannabe

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Mick's POV:

She quickly flips around looking startled. "I'm sorry,sir, but the café is closing now." The old man comes out into the main dining area and sees us talking.

"Oh Annabelle! He's not from 'round here! Why don't you stay for a little while and hang out with him! Whatever y'all kids do now," he says while grabbing his stuff to lock up.

Mrs. Daisy comes to meet her husband at the front door, seeing the two of us together. "Yes, of course! We'll just leave the door so that it locks behind y'all when you walk out!" The woman almost had a smirk on her face because of us staying together.

Annabelle rolls her eyes and replies, "Yes, sir. Yes, ma'am. I'll make sure to keep our customer happy for a little while," she glances over her shoulder and glares at me as she drawls out the words with sass.

The trio chat a few minutes more and hug goodbye before the older couple heads out the door.

Annabelle slides into my booth across from me with one hand on her cheek, "So what's gotcha so excited that you have to stay here to talk to me?" I rub the back of my neck with embarrassment. It all seems so stupid now, staying late to talk to a girl I'll never see again. But what do I have to lose?

"You fascinate me, Miss Annabelle," I smirk at her when she rolls her eyes, "I've heard stuff about you from Mrs. Daisy but I wanted to really meet the girl that has apparently captured the whole town's attention."

She genuinely smiles at me and says, "Only if I can know a little bit about the Northerner that came into my café."

She fills up my black coffee and a simple coffee with milk and three sugars for her. Then wrapping her hands around the cup, Annabelle raises an eyebrow at me. "Well, aren't you going to start?"

I smile and reply, "If you want me to go first. Well, I am Mick Xavier Matthews and am from New York City."

"Wait, Mick? Is that a nickname or something?"

I shake my head, "Nope. My parents named me Mick after Mick Jagger."

She laughs and I thought she bet it was the stupidest thing ever, "That's amazing! Why Mick though? Why not Eric after Eric Clapton or Paul after Paul McCartney?"

"Well, my parents are huge Rolling Stones fans, hence how I'm such a fan and how there such a big part of my life. They met at the record store my dad was working in when my mom went to go look for a record. She was looking for a  Rolling Stones record but couldn't find it. So, obviously she asked my dad for help. He told her where the Madonna records were."

Chuckling, I say, "My dad wasn't thinking about how she would react to getting her music taste insulted."

Annabelle said,"How rude! If that's his idea of flirting then your dad was lucky that your mom fell for that!"

"My mom didn't. She went off on him on how it was 'perfectly normal' for a girl like her to like that band," I do the air quotes for emphasis just like my dad did when he told me the story.

Annabelle pointed her finger at me and said, "There's nothing wrong with a girl branching out." There was a deeper meaning behind those words to me.

"My dad finally gave her the record and she came back everyday over that summer to antagonize him and listen to music. They eventually fell in love but it all started with The Rolling Stones."

"I bet your dad thought Mick Matthews sounded cooler than Brian Matthews, huh? And that's why your Mick?" I nod because she got it completely right. My dad told my mom that it would be cooler for a musician to be called Mick Matthews.

"A little record store romance. A summer romance at that, it's so sweet," she says with a goofy smile on her face.

"What about you Miss Annabelle?" I drawl her name in a horrible Southern accent, "What's your story?"

She just ignores my attempt to annoy her,"There's nothing much about me. Small town girl, went to college bout ten minutes way from here. I drive here fer my job each Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights. Oh, and Sunday mornings. Every other day is school, hanging out with my friends, and just doing other lil things."

"There's more to you than that. I saw it tonight. With all those people, they were mesmerized by something."

Annabelle shrugs,"I don't know why. I just like people. I like talking and dancing and music. Oh, I love music. I just graduated with a degree in Journalism and I want to go intern in at Rolling Stone magazine. Eventually I can do the interviews for the big bands!" She looks so happy talking about her dreams, blabbering on about bringing coffee to Drake and Rihanna or being at the photo shoot for Taylor Swift.

And while she's doing this I just take a good look at her. Her dark brown eyes are lit up with glee while she's telling the story. She's talking with her hands making up all these different scenarios that probably won't happen and accidentally gets her light brown hair in her mouth. It's pretty adorable when she has to spit it out because she was talking so fast. I can't help but lightly laugh at her. Annabelle really is the most interesting girl I've come across.

"Yeah, I interned there for six months after college, amazing experience. I learned a lot about the industry and got so much help with my band."

"You interned there? Oh my gosh! Tell me about your college, Rolling Stone story! Your life is way more interesting than mine!"

Chuckling I continue, "I'm twenty three and I interned there when I was twenty two and fresh out of college. My professor highly recommended me telling them about my band and saying that I needed background on the industry. Apparently, my professor was once a writer for the magazine, didn't know that until afterwards. I didn't do any of the writing part since I wasn't a journalist or anything but I helped in the sound booths with some of the greatest bands. I helped play on one of Paul McCartney songs. It didn't make his album but he talked me through my guitar skills and how to improve. And did I improved after that!"

She was hooked on every word surprising me once again, "What did you major in?"

"This is going to sound weird for a musician but Business with a minor in Music."

Annabelle shakes her head,"I don't think so, you can open a record store eventually!" I finally have gotten some form of approval from this girl.

"Why Journalism though, writing your thang?" I still try to rile her up about the accent thing.

Annabelle still tries to ignore me on it and says,"It is. I love to read to. When I'm alone I just listen to music and read. Nothing like my record player and The Great Gatsby on a porch swing at home. But, I wanted to go write for a big shot magazine like Rolling Stone or Vogue. Maybe even Vogue Italía!" She bites her lip after that ending sentence.

"What's wrong?"

"My daddy wanted me to be a doctor and my momma wanted me to be a nurse like her. Then after I got married to a nice boy that they liked and had a child, then I would become a stay-at-home mom," she sighs,"They gave up on the doctor and nurse part but they're still prayin' for the wife, baby, and momma part."

I give her a small smile and put my hand over hers,"They'll come around, Annabelle, once they see how happy you are as a journalist. Trust me, whatever you do in life they'll love you no matter what."

"You don't know how small towns work, Mick. You're born here. You grow up here. You marry here. You have babies here. You let them live here. And then you die here. The cycle then repeats," she just waves me off,"Tell me about New York. I bet it was great. I want to see it so badly."

I can see it her eyes how much she wants New York to be this magical place. And to be honest, it is. Growing up in New York City was awesome. Though I'm leaving, I had a great childhood in the city.

And I'm not going to be the one to crush her dreams.


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Here we have Andrew Garfield as Logan!

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