Chapter Eleven: Something There

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Annabelle's POV:

"Anna. Anna. ANNA!"

"Hmmm?" I stop fiddling with my straw and glance to my two friends who were staring at me over their own drinks. Simran, Michelle, and I had all decided to go out since Michelle recently got promoted to full time employee from intern. In order to celebrate, we felt that a night out on the town was needed.

Simran was trying to get my attention back to the conversation at hand but I had been checking out all night. Unfortunately for my friends, I just wasn't in the mood to celebrate.

Not whenever I have a certain someone on my mind.

"Girl, you've been acting weird for awhile now so spill. We need to know what's going on. Is it something with Mick? You never did tell us what happened after we left you with him?" Simran said.

Michelle chimes in, "Yes, please inform us on what is going on with that boy in your life. We know something is up. "

"It's your night, Michelle. Don't worry about it right now."

They both just give me exasperated looks before Michelle says, "Anna, we want to know. So you need to start talking missy! If not we could always call Mick and ask him if he knows why you've been acting so weird."

They wouldn't.

With sly grins, they know they caught me. Sighing, I massage my temples. I don't know how to explain Mick and I's friendship? Relationship? Who knows what we really are?

We text every single day, some harmless, friendly, and funny. Others are flirty and definitely not ones that a person would send to another person they are so keen on staying friends with.

Mick Matthews is a charmer, honestly sweet, and a family man. I can definitely say that I am weird for not wanting to date a guy like him, no matter if he was in a famous band or not.

Though he isn't perfect but who is? He curses a good bit, can be pretty arrogant sometimes, and can fall asleep on me quickly when I text him, even if it's an important conversation.

However, I was the one who put the hold on a date and I stand by my decision. But the best thing is that Mick respects it and is taking our friendship in whatever direction it goes in. So far it seems like it's heading towards a relationship but he's not pushing for one. That just makes me like him even more. We're friends and him being on tour makes it hard for a friendship to form as it is let alone something more.

I don't even know the next time I'll be able to see him.

"Mick and I have met before," I say quietly, "Before I lived in New York and Brooklyn Rebellion was popular, we had met in my hometown. I was a waitress at a café that they had stopped to eat at and served all three of the band members."

I don't think I have ever seen my friends so shocked. It is odd for Simran to ever be silent. Her exuberant personality never allowed it. Michelle is a little more tame than her but that doesn't mean that she doesn't like her voice to be heard.

Simran holds up a hand, "Wait! Back up for one second! You met Mick Matthews, Kade Brooks, and Logan Parker before all of this craziness happened. And you didn't tell us this!" Sighing she knocked her head on the table, "You know Kade is my celebrity crush, too!"

"Let me finish and then you can comment."

"Okay, continue."

"Well, I was their waitress like I had said before I was interrupted," I give Simran a glare," and it was the last night before I left for my internship in Spain. They were stopping before heading out to California."

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