Chapter 6: The Picture of us.

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The year is 2070.






Jake's eyes began to fill with tears at the sight of it. The picture of Jake and Reggie, a picture that would haunt him, unless he could see Reggie again. Jake wiped the tears away, slowly getting up, his legs nearly giving out beneath him. 

    "God, I miss you so much Reggie...if only you knew how I felt." Jake stared into the dark night sky, hoping that somehow, Reggie could hear his call. Jake swiftly stopped pleading to the sky, satisfied that he could get his thoughts out in the open. He began to groggily search for a secluded place to rest, figuring that a simple tree wouldn't be enough. Unfortunately, the vast forest that stood before him was sparse and barren, feeling more like a desert than an actual forest. He settled on a small cluster of trees, since they would provide him with all of the cover he may need. He settled down on the rocky soil, using an assortment of fallen leaves and bits of moss to create a makeshift bed. His eyelids grew heavy, and he soon succumbed to the gentle embrace of sleep. 





The year is 1622. 






Jenny laughed gently, a small grin wiping across her face. 

  "I can't believe we actually get to go to the's just, wonderful." It's been a few days since they decided they were fed up with the past, and they have been wrapping up loose ends before they leave. Reggie's face was plastered with his usual goofy grin, not being able to contain his excitement.

  "It's amazing isn't it? How's it going with transferring the role of chief to Ranger? Any problems?" Reggie's eyes were a wild mix of curiosity, uncertainty, and excitement.

  "The transfer process is almost finished, and no problems have arisen! If we can get the transfer ceremony over by tonight, we should be able to leave by tomorrow." Jenny's voice was filled with nothing but anticipation. Reggie couldn't help but to get up and dance, Jenny teasing him about his terrible dance moves. It was only mid-day, so it was still very possible that the transfer ceremony could be completed by tonight. The only problem with their plan was that Reggie was unsure of whether or not S.T.E.V.E would respond to their cries. Jenny and Reggie decided to consult Ranger about the status of the transfer, as he had been kept up to date, while Reggie and Jenny were simply left in the dark. As they approached Ranger, it was obvious that everything had gone well, since he was beaming. 

  "We are ready to commence the ceremony." 


I Miss the Future: A Reggie x Jake x Jenny Free Birds FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now