0-Espressione di Dirac

31 7 0


Now you're asking me why.

Why am I so fixated on you?

An easy question indeed, Light.

Once more, I see your eyes bright.

Let me be shallow just this time,

A pristine and graceful body

definitely on a league no one can aim.

An intelligence far above humankind.

Finally someone whose mind

isn't just an useless tool to neglect.

And here I stand and swear to God,

Was falling into the abyss of pitch black

never thought but somehow He sent help.

Now pulling me away, I'm not alone.

You, a shining little star in my aid.

Though I fear you'll lead to my grave.

The way I strive to be better for you

when I already know I'm not.

A poison sold that I haven't bought.

Darkness is swirling around me,

Can't make her vanish, damn it.

When you're not with me, I'll let her be.

That's the influence you have on myself,

Far greater than the reaper we call Death.

You're undoubtedly a perfect lie,

the only kind I searched for a lifetime.

And so I ask to forgive me,

I know in the end I didn't answer you.

Maybe, that's why people just say:

"Because I love u".

De ColixDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora