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Warning: It's a long chapter, two chapters in one, there will be blood in the story, it's heartbreaking, and maybe ruin the view of the show for you? Unless you don't watch it. Go watch it, a good show.

Walking through the back of the school where no one was around. Stepping on the concrete floor covered with dead leaves and mud. She was hiding in a hoodie with a desaturated yellow. Looking around as she enters the first lit-up hallway after the dark one. Seeing that the hallway is empty as a ghost town, Molly continued her walk until she bumped into someone coming out of a classroom door. A girl with long black hair wearing a green turtle neck sweater. The girl looked confused while Molly was in horror. She ran in the opposite direction but heard laughter in that direction. It was Andrea and some classmates of hers. Molly hid inside one of the empty lockers but realized the girl who she just bumped into. Worrying if the girl will be a tattletale until she realizes it doesn't matter anymore. Either if it's being ignored or attacked by a bunch of lamebrains. Fortunately, the girl didn't say anything when the group passed by. Once the group left, Molly got out of the locker and went back in her original direction. Ignoring the girl who tries to raise her hand towards Molly.

Going back to the door she just entered a few minutes ago, "I had only skipped school a few times... Not like I'm hurting anybody..." She told herself as she left the school area and went around the streets. Knowing that being at home won't be any better than on a school day.

As Molly was walking, she saw an old lady needing help with her grocery bags. In hopes of helping her and maybe befriending someone. She walks up to her and the old lady just yells at Molly, "Thief, thief! You people may be careless but I have a walking cane and I'm not afraid to use it!..." The old lady raised her cane against Molly as everyone around them was giving them attention. But this was not the type of attention Molly wanted, and the minute she apologized. Everyone just continued staring at her and the lady as if they weren't there. Molly was confused so she just pushed them aside as she decided to run away. Nobody followed her and why would they? Nobody cares about anything except those kids on the middle school grounds but for the wrong reasons.

It's everyone for themselves.

Molly went back home, went upstairs in a rush to her room, and lay on her bed. Crying softly at what just happened and wishing she didn't step foot on the city grounds. The crying is a sign of bad vibes and that's why a dreadful ghost senses it and wants it. A blue portal opens up and Scratch comes out of it. The room was dark as the curtains were closed so the only thing lighting was Scratch. "Scratchy?... Is that you?..." Molly uncovered herself from the piles of blankets just to see him. "Oh great, I'm surprised you even noticed." Said Scratch in a sarcastic tone. "I always noticed you..."
"Yeah right, anyways. Your family is so hard to come by! As if they were the fears themselves. You don't suppose you have... ugh... any ideas to get... rid of them?... I mean, they have always been neglecting you... Won't you want some revenge for the pain they had upon you..." Molly thought for a moment but she refused, "I don't want revenge. I just want to make someone's day." Scratch didn't take this, however, he knew Molly had something to do with them. So a way to force her to speak it out and have some fun.

He decided to play a game with her and this made Molly's day.

"Really!? Ahhhh, I'm so excited!! What game should we play?" Molly was jumping up and down, her smile was wide and she hasn't been this excited since the last move. "First, we must go to the park... I know a place where we can play..." His grin was getting wider and it wasn't a friendly grin. It was the opposite.

Molly and Scratch made it into the deepest areas of the park. It almost looks like a desert but with some of the trees and leaves partly alive. Bushes were soft green and the sidewalks were dirty as hell. None of this matters to Molly though as she always wanted to be with someone. "Alright, let's play a game of hide and seek..." Said Scratch, backing away from Molly as he was letting out a grin.

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