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Geoff tries moving her body, but it was no use, "It's not going to work. Trust me. I tried." Said Scratch while covering his face in guilt and despair, "Should we just take her home?" Geoff then carries Molly on top of him, but Scratch refuses to. The green ghost puts Molly on the ground again. "No. Let's wait a little longer. I don't want her waking up mid-through us flying to her house." Then out of nowhere, Molly was waking up, but in a very delusional way. She was standing up, but the poor girl could barely keep it up, was shaking badly, her eyes were still the same, and was coughing slowly. "Molly?... Are you okay?..." Still unresponsive, so Scratch started shaking her since she was partly awake, "WAKE UP! ARE YOU OKAY?! PLEASE, I'M SERIOUS!!" Molly moved Scratch aside as she was trying to make her way out of the dumpster area. Geoff tried to stop her, but Scratch stopped him first, "No. Let her be... Let's just... follow her." The ghosts followed Molly out of the dumpster area and back to the dark sidewalk of the town. As the tall outdoor lights were shining light on the ground, and the wind was flowing through the air. Scratch thought of something while flying through the sidewalk with Geoff and Molly. If he tells the McGees what is going on and shows them the room, then perhaps they will come together to help her.

On the next day, Geoff was keeping an eye on Molly and making sure she wasn't doing anything funny while the room was still messy. Scratch was downstairs waiting on the McGees, and once they came, he told them about Molly and the room. Unfortunately, they just rolled their eyes and continued with their doings. The blue ghost didn't take that lightly, however, as he moved over to yell at them, "YOU GUYS DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING! IF THAT'S HOW YOU ARE THEN WHY HAVE HER IN THE FIRST PLACE?!" He immediately went to the attic to find Geoff who had overheard everything from downstairs. The green glowing ghost was saddened, but didn't say a word because his face say it all. Molly was still asleep, so they thought it would be best to leave her alone just for a little bit. Going outside the house, Scratch told Geoff to go find clues about the purple bottle. Geoff nodded and left while Scratch went inside the house and back to the kitchen only to find the McGees gone. Scratch waited as he went up to the top of the ceiling trying to hear what was going on upstairs. The ghost still couldn't hear anything other than footsteps now coming downstairs. The McGees came back, however, their facial expressions were full of disappointment. "You lied." Said Sharon, moving closer to Scratch as he tried to back away from her. "What do you mean?..."
The McGees ignored Scratch as they were looking at each other and went to what they were doing before. Scratch was highly confused, that is until he decided to check the room himself...

It was cleaned.

Molly was still sleeping, but Scratch decided to wake her up. The room was dirty seconds ago and this made him highly confused now. "MOLLY! I KNOW YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING!! I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO HELP YOU!!!" Then a blanket went on top of him, Scratch took it off, and a book was thrown at him. More books were thrown at him, and that's when Scratch finally had enough and went closer to Molly. He held her arms trying to make her stop, but that only made her scream as if she was a young child. She kicked him below his body which made him scream and let her go as he backed away. Molly continues to throw items at him until Scratch gets closer to her again. As she was trying to back away from the ghost this time, Scratch tried to corner her to calm herself down. He doesn't want to use his magic against her because he wants to gain her trust first. Unfortunately, Molly grabbed his arms and started swinging him around. She eventually lets him go, and he crashes into the wall making himself dizzy. As Scratch was trying to get himself up, he then saw Molly throwing a box into the window. The ghost went outside and looked through the bushes for the box until he realized once he found it...

The box had nothing but broken toys in it.

Molly set up the whole thing, cleaned herself, and faked the box to avoid suspicion once she overheard Scratch talking to the McGees. The ghost went back to the attic, only to find Molly sleeping again. He knows she has hidden the box already, so he started looking for it. After hours passed, Scratch found the blue-glittered old box hidden inside a nearby tree. It was late at night, he took the box, went back inside the house, and woke up the McGees. "Ugh... now what it is, Scratch?!" Yelled Sharon as she was barely waking up from her sleep.
"I found the box."
"Ok." Everyone turned around, and headed back to their rooms, "You guys can't be serious! Let me explain!" Already too late as everyone closed their doors. Leaving Scratch alone and then the lights went off. He was confused because he saw the McGees not turning off the lights as he was following them. "Ugh, Geoff this is not funny!" He then realized about Molly and knew she has been more aware lately. Which was strange to Scratch because normally she would be the opposite. As if the gumdrops were more than what they seemed. Scratch tries to get out of the house by finding the nearest exit and trying to open the door knob but, unfortunately, is attacked by Molly from behind. She jumps on top of him as she screams in rage, and he ends up dropping the box as he falls to the floor unconsciously. By the time he got up, Molly was gone, and so was the box. Scratch was upset as if things couldn't get any worse. While trying to find an exit through the now dark and empty house, Scratch knows that he has no choice. Knowing the fact if he finds the box, hiding will not do much since Molly will find it one way or another. Neither does destroy what's inside because she will most likely find more or worse.


He then thought of something, and this goes against even further what the Chairman wanted. Showing the fear that isn't a threat and causing less horror around the town. Getting a human on his side since getting another ghost won't do much. The McGees will assume Scratch could be friends with that ghost and both could be acting it out to convince them. However, he has to choose which human to tell, a human that wouldn't drive them away. If it drives them away then it will lower his chances, and the McGees will never come together as a whole. With the evidence and someone telling the same story as Scratch was trying to do in the first place.

It will all be over for Molly.

Once finally out of the house, Scratch looked at the nighty night sky. All of a sudden, he covers his face as he is starting to regret the past he has caused. If he didn't follow Molly through her first day of school while being invisible since he is a ghost with dark magic. Molly wouldn't have fallen on the floor in front of everyone, even if it wasn't enough for Molly. When someone tries to help her get up and introduce themselves, Molly ends up saying their name wrong. Twice. It would have been okay if it wasn't for the fact they were so sensitive. Causing the conflict and making hell for Molly as if she was the bad guy here. It upsets Scratch that a pathetic thirteen-year-old is so sensitive over their name pronounced the wrong way.

As if they had problems of their own.

Or do they?...



Molly was slowly getting up but was still partly sleepy in a delusional way. The ghosts followed her to make sure she was alright on the way. Scratch then thought if he tells the McGees what is going on, and shows them the room, perhaps they will come together to help her. The next day Scratch told the Mcgees about Molly and the room but ignored him. He yelled at them and questioned them before he left. Scratch went back to the dirty old attic where Geoff was with Molly. Geoff was keeping an eye on Molly while she was sleeping. They both went outside, told Geoff to find clues about the purple bottle, and went inside the house again. While in the kitchen, he saw the Mcgees coming in and now was upset at Scratch for lying. Confused, he went upstairs and realized the room was clean instead of dirty. Scratch yelled at Molly, and the two of them, mostly Molly, started fighting until she threw a box out the window. Scratch went outside, found the box, and realized it wasn't the real one. Realizing he couldn't do anything without a human since the Mcgees distrust Scratch and possibly other ghosts too. He decided to get a human on his side even if it meant getting on the Chairman's bad side furthermore. Now regretting making Molly look bad at school by making her trip, she got nervous by saying the wrong things and starting the conflict thanks to a pathetic thirteen-year-old being sensitive.



I didn't rush through this, it is just that I have the rough draft finished which is all the hard work I have already done. That's why I finished quickly, I could just do them all at once but I don't want to. Don't rush me.

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