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Warning: Vomiting and self-harm.

"Hahaha, you should have looked at yourself after your supposed death! Do you really think being more braindead will help you sleep through this nightmare!... Are you even listening?!" Molly was still staring into the wall as she was sitting on her bed clueless. She was drooling, and her eyes were red but now mixed with purple. Her clothing was dirty, her hair was a mess, and cuts and bruises around her body from the other day. "Molly McGee... you are... no fun." Scratch then leaves the attic by going through the floor and going to the bathroom. In hopes of someone walking by without expecting a ghost to be in there. His other attempts at scaring the McGees, even with this one, fail. As Scratch was dumb as usual and waiting, he looked into the mirror. After a few seconds...

"Oh, Scratchy... Why are you afraid?..."

Scratch back away from the mirror and wonder who was around him. The voice sounded like Molly, but there was no way she was inside the bathroom with him.

"Hehehehe... Come on! We can be the best of friends!"

The ghost was scared and tried to pretend he didn't hear that voice. It was loud and he knew that something was wrong.

"Scratchy, Scratchy, Scratchy, please don't leave me!..."

He told the voice to go away in hopes of calming himself, but it only made things worse.

"Don't be the lonely ghost that you are right now, Scratch..."

The tone of the voice was then getting more severe and getting louder.

"GO AWAY!!!!!"

"Look. At. The. Mirror."

Scratch then looks at the mirror for a long time, and he no longer hears the voice. He cleaned his eyes and then realized something, he is not any better. Scratch is an outcast even in the afterlife among the other ghosts. Nobody likes him despite doing a good job in his scaring career. On the other side of the living world, there's the opposite with everything being outdated. Every ghost just lived in their afterlife while the other signed ghosts had to feed the tall beast they named the Chairman. The Chairman eats off of fear and despair, so despite Scratch doing great at what he does. Nothing has changed so far, and after thinking for a while. Why bother to go with the program? Why bother to continue hurting others, and making the town more miserable than already has been? Scratch left the bathroom, and went back to the attic only to find Molly gone. "Great. As if things couldn't get any worse." He checks under the bed, behind her old bookshelf, in the other rooms, through the stairways, in the living room, the backyard, and even the basement. The only place he hadn't checked was the kitchen, and upon going there. Scratch found the other McGees, "Hey you guys... a weird question, but... have you been checking your only daughter. I know you don't care about her but at least you know where she is?..." Sharon looks at Scratch for a moment and then turns away, "Nope." Scratch then angrily moves over to Sharon at the corner table. "What do you mean you don't know!? You guys are so miserable that you would care less about one of your members!" Sharon moves away from the corner table to wash her plate and ignores what Scratch said. "She's old enough to even leave the house altogether." Said Pete, defending his wife and son from the annoying ghost. "Not like she is going through something." This upsets Scratch, knowing Sharon and the McGees don't know where Molly is at.

He went outside the house angry and tried to remain calm, "Ugh, where else could she be?!... " Scratch had no choice but to look all over the town to find Molly. Looking through every backyard, the bushes around the town, and even the school itself. After hours of finding Molly, the day hit dark, and no sign of her anywhere. What he did find was Geoff flying around the town as if he was looking for something. "Geoff? What are you doing in the middle of the night?" Geoff turned around and saw Scratch there looking more frustrated than usual. "Scratch! Buddy! I was looking for you!" The light green glowing ghost hugged him as Scratch tries to stay away from the hug since he is not the type to like it. He then let go of Scratch as he was about to tell him something. "Alright... So I was thinking, maybe we should do some more scaring together!" Then Scratch rolled his eyes and turned away from Geoff. "Come on! It's been days, don't you want to boost up your scare reports?" The blue ghost sighed and decided to tell some of the truth. Being his only friend, and the only ghost to accept him as a whole than just a jerky old ghost. "Geoff. I don't care about that anymore."

As Scratch was flying away, Geoff decided to follow him through the night sky clouds. "Scratch. You know what will happen if you don't keep up with the reports. I don't want to lose you. Why are you doing this? What happened?" Scratch turns around to look at Geoff and now tells him everything. "Remember the girl we tried to murder? She is still out there and doing her own type of harm as if she wants to better herself. It's not doing anything. At all. She is only making things worse for herself. I accidentally made it worse for her. I caused all of this! She wasn't always like this!! Yeah her life was still terrible, but now I made it even worse!!!..." He lay on top of one of the clouds, and just looked at the blue but depressing sky. "Now..." The sky was getting dark as Scratch was feeling smaller, and the regrets were starting to pile up. "I'm looking for her because she went missing... I wish I had accepted her as a friend so she wouldn't be an outcast on her own... At least, I have you. As a friend." Silence broke out between the two glowing ghosts as the clouds started to clean out around them. Then Geoff got closer to Scratch and smiled softly at him. "It's the first time you consider me as a friend. Hm. Well! Let's go find this last piece of fixing this broken friendship!" Scratch smiled as he got off the cloud he was laying at, "I wouldn't say friendship, but we better hurry up before it's too late." Geoff nodded, and the two ghosts went back to the town grounds.

Now going through the areas between the buildings where all the trash and rats are at. Something was smelling bad, but Scratch recognized that smell. It smelled like the candy he just ate the other day. The one he doesn't like and the fact he can smell that feeling again disgust him. He and Geoff went further through the small dumpster area only to find...

Molly was on the ground covered with her vomit, her eyes were the same, and she was wearing the same old yellow sweater.

She passed out once again.



Scratch messing around with Molly while she was drugged. He then leaves because he got bored and needed to scare someone. While going to the bathroom, hoping someone will be dumb enough to think he is not there. Scratch started hearing voices in his head, and the voices were similar to Molly's. The voices reminded him about Molly and the fact that he is a hypocrite. Scratch finally realizes what he is doing and decides to give up his orders from the Chairman: who only wants to feed off of misery. The Chairman is the ruler of the ghost world where Scratch is from. He follows orders very well but is still treated like an outcast regardless. He came back, Molly went missing, and Scratch began to worry. Scratch checked everywhere in the house except for the kitchen where the McGees are at. He asked the McGees where she was despite them caring less about her but hoping they would know at least. They responded by saying they don't know and caring less about her since she is older. Scratch left to check to see if she is anywhere else but instead found Geoff. The green ghost wanted to do more scaring with him but refused since he is no longer interested in working with the Chairman. Geoff was concerned, but after Scratch told him the truth and he was the only friend he got. They both decide to find Molly together, but they end up finding her unconscious, unfortunately.



Mature Content because ONE of the upcoming chapters... well... let's just say... It is dark as hell. But that's my opinion.

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