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In the morning as the sun was partially covered up by clouds. Going back to the miserable old school building as some students were coming in. Back to the same old hallways as Libby was walking around. After days of trying to get Molly, Libby finally came across her. Molly was sticking her head in her locker while being partly sleepy. Libby was getting worried but hoped to get Molly some help soon. "Molly?" Libby was waving her hand as she was getting closer to Molly, but no response. "Molly!" Her head was still inside the locker as she was daydreaming, with saliva coming out of her mouth. "MOLLY!!" Molly then forced herself out of the locker but was now just staring at Libby. Libby backed away out of fear as Molly was just staring at her with a smile. The same smile she had when Scratch first saw her drugged. Libby waved her hand again to get her attention, but still no use. So, Libby just shakes Molly back and forth as she was trying to wake her up. "Molly, snap out of it! Please!" She continues to move Molly around until Libby hears the bell. Molly, out of nowhere, quickly shovels herself inside the locker and closes it. The students were coming in, and Libby just left disappointed and devastated. Later in the day, Libby decided to talk to some students about Molly even if she knows they will respond negatively. She needed to find something at least, or everything will still be the same. As she was sitting down next to two girls at the lunchroom table. "Hey Kat, hey Sheela! How have you girls been?" Libby waved hello to her school friends, Kat and Sheela. "I'm fine!" Said Kat as she was sitting closer to Libby and was happy to see her.

"We're fine. What have you been up to?" As Sheela was not thinking much of what Libby was up to. "Well... this is quite serious." She immediately takes that back after she hears. "Oh, no. Is everything okay?" As Kat was getting worried, Libby thought it was a good time to talk about Molly. "It's about Molly." Kat and Sheela then looked at each other and looked back at Libby. They told her to forget about Molly, but Libby wanted answers, so she continued. "Have you been noticing Molly is acting strange and gloomy lately?" Asked Libby as she was eating her lunch she got from the school kitchen. "Yeah, but who cares. It's her problem." Sheela rolled her eyes and continued to eat her lunch. "Not to put it harshly." Kat pats Libby on the back as Libby puts her hands covering her face. "Don't stress yourself out of it, Libby."

"Everyone will come together eventually." Then out of nowhere, after what Sheela said, Libby thought of telling Molly's parents about the problem.

Later in the day, when the school day is over for all the middle schoolers. Libby was secretly following Molly to her house as Libby quickly tried to avoid the other students walking on the sidewalk too. Molly was walking slowly while Libby was trying to hide behind every trash bin and bush she could find. Once Molly got to her house and went inside, Libby decided to wait. It would be too suspicious to knock on the door right after Molly went in. She left the area, thinking of coming back later, and after half an hour had passed. Libby thought it was time to come back, and once she got to the house, she knocked on the door. Once knocked on the door, Libby waited as she lay back against the wooden fence connected to the house. Ten minutes passed by, and still no answer, "What takes them so long to answer the door?...' Finally, the door opened, and it was a chubby lady with brown hair tied up into one bun. It was Molly's mother, one of the members of the McGees: Sharon McGee. Sharon had this concerned face since Libby was the only one there, and the only kid there. "Um... Can I help you?" Libby then told her about Molly, and this confused Sharon, "Her? Oh please, don't even worry about her. Don't waste your time." This upsets Libby, knowing the fact that Sharon and the McGees are careless only towards Molly. They seem to care about a random child outside alone, but not their child. "Have you even looked at her?!" Yelled Libby, having enough of how things are going for Molly and people have been treating her. "Yeah, she is just tired of school. But that's nothing if you ask me." Sharon then rolled her eyes and was ready to close the door. "If she wasn't okay: Leave us a call. With evidence." Closing the door, Libby knows what to do next, and she better do it fast before anything else gets worse.

Going back to the school building as she was running as fast as she could. The building doesn't close until the sky hits dark, so she opens the first door she sees, the front door, and goes straight to Molly's locker. Since Molly doesn't have a lock, Libby can easily get into her locker. Rushing through the hallways and making sure where the locker might be when trying to remember it. She finally found the locker and began searching through it. Unfortunately, after thirty minutes of looking through the locker and finding nothing. Libby just leaves the school building feeling hopeless, "What am I going to do now?! Not like anyone else would care other than my mom but I know that won't do much." Then, as Libby was walking to her house, two ghosts were following her. Libby doesn't notice them because the ghosts were invisible. "So I couldn't find anything about the weird candies you were mentioning, but are you sure leaving Molly alone again is a good idea?" Said Geoff, looking at Scratch for answers and confused why they are following a random girl. "She's asleep and yes, I already checked that she was fully asleep this time. We can't just be standing around and doing nothing but babysitting her! That's why I decided to come here..." The blue ghost then pointed to Libby so Geoff could see why they were following her. "She will help us." Scratch was getting closer to Libby, but Geoff stopped him by holding him back. "Scratch... I don't know about this. What if we traumatize her, and then no one will help Molly but us? Just... think about it." The blue ghost ignores Geoff as he gently pushes him and continues to get closer to Libby.

"I had.." Libby then notices the wind moving but continues to walk.

"...enough..." The wind was getting harder, but Libby tried to ignore it.

"...thinking..." That is until she saw a blue light in front of her direction.

"...for today."

Libby saw a ghost, it was bright blue, its eyes were yellow, and had dark baggy eyes. The expression of the ghost was serious and chill, but Libby was feeling the opposite.

So, she passed out.



Libby finally got to Molly but things didn't go as planned. Molly ignored her and acted weirdly toward her too. Libby then talked to her school friends about Molly but told her to forget and wait for her family to help instead. Libby thought of an idea, and went to the McGees, mainly Sharon, to talk about Molly. Unfortunately, Sharon ignored Libby and told her to find evidence of what she was saying before speaking it out. Desperate, Libby went back to the school building to look through Molly's unlocked locker but found nothing. Feeling hopeless, Libby went home, but little did she know... the ghosts were following her. Geoff also stated to Scratch that he couldn't find anything about the purple bottle. Scratch decided to expose himself to Libby even with Geoff's warning. Once he did, Libby passed out.

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