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Chapter Fourteen: Silver Wolf

Alena Wesker watched from the shadow as the brunette woman was dragged out of the street and into a nearby metro station—and caught the sight of the logo on the man's shoulder, and her tongue clicked when she realized that he was a U.B.C.S soldier, Umbrella's military force.

She had a mixed feeling about this— as far as she knew, the U.B.C.S was considered the least corrupt sector in the Umbrella Corporation, their establishment was purely intended for rescue missions and humanitarian aid. None of the lower-rank soldiers were aware of the company's corrupt nature, all they knew was that they were doing an honest and noble job. 

The soldier could be simply helping Jill, thinking she was just some helpless civilian.

However, despite his innocent intention, he could be bringing her to his superior and Alena hoped it wouldn't be that one particular Platoon leader, or he would be exposing Jill to danger. 

 "Enjoying the show?"

Ada Wong came up from behind her, her heels clicking against the puddled floor as she strutted across the roof and towards the Wesker woman who was readied in her all-black stealth tactical outfit-- the woman in red joined her side, looking over to where she had her attention on. 

Alena's lip quirked into a smirk. "You wouldn't want to miss it."

She turned to the woman next to her, noticing that she was wearing a one-piece red dress with just black tights, and if she hadn't had a shoulder holster that held a Broom HC handgun, she could have fooled others-- Alena had to admit, Ada did look alluring in the impractical getup.

Ada caught her stare and tilted her head to the side, an amused smirk curled up at the corner of her lips. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?"

Alena blinked, and lucky for her, Ada could not see the red flush under the muzzle mask that she had put on. She shook her head, returning her gaze to the entrance of the metro station. "What is the update on our journalist?" She asked, in an attempt to divert into a new conversation.

A device was handed in front of her and she took a look at the screen, it was a live recording of Ben Bertolucci-- he seemed anxious, bouncing up and down his legs as he chewed on his own fingers. He kept looking over to his left where the door to his cell was for every sound he heard.

"Still there." Ada kept the phone back in her utility belt. "When are you planning to get him?"

"Soon. I need to meet someone first." Alena looked down at her watch and straightened her back, making sure she had everything she needed on her vest before she zipped up the hooded jacket that she was wearing for the rain. She sighed. "Would you care to join me, Miss Wong?"

Ada waved her off as she turned her heels towards the stairs. "As much as it sounds lovely to spend the evening with you, I'd rather not meet Silver Wolf— But don't worry, I'll be around." 

She then looked over to her shoulder. "Don't get yourself killed, Alena Wesker."

Alena let out a soft chuckle, watching as the woman in red disappeared into the shadow—she stepped back from the edge as she adjusted the strap around her chest, and pulled the hood up to cover her face. "Silver Wolf, state your location. Over." She instructed into the radio comm.

There was a buzz coming from it before a thick Russian accent came through. "Ten minutes."

"Copy that. Over." She sighed and headed to the stairs— once she exited the building that she was in, she noticed that the city had been plunged into hell itself. Cars were flipped over, fires were burning down buildings around her, and the civilians were running down the streets, screaming for their lives as a horde of the undead were coming after them. It was a total chaos.

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