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Chapter Nineteen: Raccoon Police Department

The sun had come out, it was past noon, and still, the cloud shrouded the fallen metropolis in the Midwest, casting a dark shadow over it as death loomed around its deserted streets—the once lively Raccoon City had succumbed to the malignant outbreak of the T-Virus.

Alena Wesker almost reached the police station where she was supposed to meet up Ada, and credited to the advanced combat training that she had (and also the mutated T-Virus strain in her system), she was able to make it across town from the Raccoon General Hospital in an hour while some would have taken hours—most would not have survived being on the streets.

Her communication device vibrated, and she had to connect the line to her earpiece due to her hands full with pushing herself through a horde of infected. "Now is really not the time!" She said through gritted teeth as she elbowed a woman right in the face before shooting her head. 

"I take that you will be late for our date?" A velutinous voice buzzed in, and Alena could imagine the woman was smirking from the other side. "You shouldn't make a woman wait, Miss Wesker."

Alena chuckled, kicking a man and shooting him in his face before going for another one who had grabbed her shoulder, she turned around, twisted its arm, and fired a shot—she ducked when another infected tried to swing its hand at her, and blasted its skull with her handgun.

"I apologize for that, Miss Wong. Let me make it up to you." She fired multiple shots at the incoming horde and pushed forward. "How about a nice fancy dinner after this is over?"

She could hear Ada Wong humming playfully in the comms. "I'll think about it."

She got to the main street and clicked her tongue when she saw it was infested with the undead. Alena could see the police station just a few blocks from where she was and thought that if she could make a run for it, she could be saving some time-- but she must save her ammunition for later and she had decided that it would be best if she avoids it and uses the other way. 

"I have to make a detour. Meet you at the station in an hour." She disconnected the communication line and looked for another route that she could go to—she made sure that there was no infected nearby and used the cars to get past the horde of cannibalistic people.

Alena got to the other side of the road without getting detected, however, her stealth was cut short when she stumbled across a small horde of infected after rounding a corner—one of them seemed to have noticed her, and groaned in her direction, alerting the others. 

She sighed, dropping her head. "I don't have time for this."

She saw an AC outdoor unit in between them and made a run for it, and a man almost grabbed her when she used a garbage bin to give herself the leverage to jump onto the unit—she then jumped over them and heaved herself up onto a fire escape before she proceeded to sprint across it and landed back to the ground with the infected far behind her. She smirked.

Alena continued to travel through the route in between buildings, and three years of undercover had given her familiarity with all the routes and shortcuts of the city. It should not be long until she reached the station, though she hoped she wouldn't be encountering another horde.

Her footsteps faltered when she heard animalistic growls in the distance. She clicked her tongue, she recognized that kind of noise before and Alena searched around for another path other than the one that was occupied by the mutated creatures that she dreadfully wanted to clash with. 

But it seemed her luck ran out—Alena checked the ammo in her gun and found that it would not be enough to take down a pack of them, she kept her Beretta 92FS in her belt holster and swung her SR-25 around, replacing the barrel with a silencer upper one to avoid making a loud noise.

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