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When you sign up for the military, you justify your reasons for joining without thinking about it. People blindly accept those reasons because they're thankful that you're putting your mind, body, and soul on the line for them. As for me...I needed a way out. I needed a sense of purpose that wasn't predetermined by someone else.

I've excelled here...and after two years, I've become one of the few female First Lieutenants in the field. While I'm a damn good Marine, I didn't think anything about me set me apart from anyone else. So when I was approached by my CO and Lieutenant Colonel Eric King, I didn't know what to think.

"At ease, Lieutenant Sawyer," he advised me. "I've been tasked with choosing an officer to assist in searching for Saddam's weapons silo in Iraq."

"Permission to speak?" I asked.

"Permission granted," he nods.

"What do you mean, 'an officer'?" I asked. "My team is more than capable."

"I have no doubts, given the way they've grown under your tutelage," Eric cuts in. "We are putting together a team of the best in their field to test Caelus."

"What is Caelus?" I asked, formality forgotten.

"Caelus is software that I've designed that allows spy satellites to scan underground for military equipment," the suit replies. "My apologies, Lieutenant; my name is Eric King."

"Lieutenant AJ Sawyer," I nod in his direction. "What are you-wait, you plan to use this to track down Saddam, aren't you? Or the weapons."

"Impressive," Eric praised. "That's the plan. We can change the face of this war!"

"Who else is on the team?" I asked.

He hands me a few files. One of them stood out, but I didn't mention it. It isn't relevant information, especially with what I've been asked to do.

"When do we leave?" That is all I ask, setting the files down.

The helo landed at Camp Slayer, an odd name for the former Radwaniyah palace. Now...it's a base of operations for the Marines. Saddam had been there until our forces had taken it. As the aircraft powers down, I can barely make out a lone man who had arrived to greet us in the dust kicked up by the blades.

He saluted as we approached, and as we got closer, I fought to maintain my composure.

"Colonel. Good trip?" he asks in a Southern accent.

"Not particularly," Eric answers him.

"Welcome to Camp Slayer," he greets us. "You're early."

"Apologies for arriving early, Lieutenant. Things are moving fast," Eric explains.

They shook hands, and I chose not to speak unless I was told to. I needed to keep my wits about me.

"I hear you, Colonel," Jason Kolchek continues. "We're glad to have you onboard. Techs are ready for your presentation. Soon as we get word from our commanding officer? We're good to go."

Hmm...so no one has told them...Eric hands Jason a piece of paper.

"You should read this," Eric suggested.

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