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Imma fucking soldier
Just like I told ya
While I'm just warming it up
You're getting colder
Out on the battleground
Let's take a look around
There's a million of us
Ready to throw down
They'll never take me alive
Hit the pit
Blood on the bricks

Dont look back
'Cause I got your six
Won't go down
Never gonna quit
Dont turn back
'Cause I got your six

You know I got your back
They'll never take that
Until the bitter end
You know I'll never crack
I'll face an army
Can't fucking harm me
Out on the front line
Thats where you'll find me
They'll never take me alive
Hit the pit
Blood on the bricks

Dont look back
'Cause I got your six
Won't go down
Never gonna quit
Dont turn back
'Cause I got your six

I will never accept defeat
And I will never quit
I got your six
I got your six
Hit the pit
Blood on the bricks

Dont look back
'Cause I got your six
Won't go down
Never gonna quit
Dont turn back
'Cause I got your six
Hit the pit
Blood on the bricks

Dont look back
'Cause I got your six
Won't go down
Never gonna quit
Dont turn back
'Cause I got your six
I got your six
I got your six

-Five Finger Death Punch-Got Your Six-2015-


I didn't feel much about Eric getting killed. I don't know the guy. He had gotten us into this mess, sure. He wasn't much of a leader...but he didn't deserve to be killed by a damn Iraqi. My concern was AJ. I knew she wouldn't take this well. She wanted us all to get out alive, and now we've lost three.

When you're in charge of a unit, you're tasked with keeping them alive, no matter their rank. You're supposed to make the best tactical decisions to complete the objective with minimal casualties. But here...we don't have a clear objective. At this point, we have to survive.

Bullets flew past my head as the others started to fight the asshole that killed the Kings. I had to duck and pull AJ away from the ledge. She'd gone rigid and was too close to the edge of it. I pulled her out of the way, but by the time I got her to her feet, the asshole had taken off.

"If we had gotten here sooner..."AJ croaks.

"I'm gonna plug that Iraqi if it's the last thing I do," Merwin spat.

"...Rachel..." Nick laments as Joey looks confused but pats his shoulder anyway.

Shit. I hadn't even thought about that. I bit back on what I wanted to say. We can't fall apart now, but AJ was right; I needed to be tactical. Saying the wrong thing could make things worse. We will get out of this, come hell or high water. We have to.

Now that I think about it, it's probably why AJ bumped heads with Eric so much. Their leadership styles are vastly different. I can find a way to compromise. My way hasn't been working, and while we can't fall apart, I also can't divide us. Not while there are unknown variables.

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