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No idea
If it's here or it's invisible
Stoke the fear
Left, right, left
Designed to divide and conquer us
We separate, we separate
Left, right, left (left, right, left)

Can something so small
Be the reason we fall?

We know we've gone too far
To cover up these scars
Will it all turn around?

No one cares
No fear, we're invincible
Left, right, left
Bullshit is being sold to us
Manipulate and aggravate
Left, right, left (left, right, left)

Can something so small
Be the death of us all?

We know we've gone too far
To cover up these scars
Will it all turn around?
(We're always too late)
We know we've gone too far
To cover up these scars
Will it all turn around?

We know we've gone too far
To cover up these scars
Will it all turn around?
(We're always too late)
We know we've gone too far
To cover, to cover up our scars

Will it all turn?
Will it all turn
Turn around?

-Left Right Left-Lifer-2022


I lurch upwards, coughing roughly as I come to. Where the hell am I? I pulled myself to my feet, and I decided to try and contact my unit.

"This is Lieutenant Salim Othman to all units," I dictate. "Please respond with your locations. Over."

I'm about to call out again when I hear my captain, Dar Basari.

"-Where are you?" he demands. "Is this damn thing even working?!"

"Captain? Dar!" I respond to no avail. I've lost contact. "Is that you? I can't hear you! Repeat your message! Over!"

I sigh in frustration as I take stock of my surroundings. What is this place? How long has it been here, buried beneath the sands?

"Dar, if you can hear me," I try again, "I'm in a...I don't know, some sort of cave...I'm looking for a way out. Over."

Whatever it was, I knew that the Americans had fallen here with us. I decided to check my gear when I realized my pistol was missing.

"Dammit," I swore under my breath.

As I began to explore the caves, my irritation at the situation I found myself in grew.

"I had plans today!" I grumble. "A long bath, listen to a little radio...celebrate my son's birthday..."

I ventured further inside, rifle first, not knowing what could be on the other side. Something about this place felt wrong as if we'd stumbled upon something forbidden.

"...But, oh, no, no, no," I kept going, needing to break the oppressive silence. "You had to come knocking on my door! 'The Americans are coming,' you said! And now look where we are...whatever the fuck this place is..."

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