Chapter 5 : Liar

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"LIAR!" Princess Justice yelled.

She lunged at Lila but paused at her chin like she did with Chat Noir.

"Tell me the truth!"

"I don't even know who you are or what you are talking about."

"Oh you want to know who I am? I am Princess Justice and my purpose is to restore justice!"

She attempted the slash Lila and she probably would've if it hadn't been for Chat Noir coming and defending Lila.

"You defend her when you don't even know what she did!" She turned her back on them. "I think people deserve to know the truth!"

She attempted to touch Lila with the blade and of course Chat Noir got in the way, she touched him instead.

A file appeared in her bag.

Only one thing.

And that didn't help know who he really was, he did that thing as cat noir!

But she managed to push Chat away.

She pointed the sword to his neck, "This sword is so much more... would you like to see?"

Chat Noir gulped, but whispered...

His hand coming up to the sword (the cataclysm one)

He gripped onto the sword thinking the akuma would be there...

But no...

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