Chapter Two: Sleepless Ride.

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September 28th, 1966
Bliss Outee Bar
1:20 am

"Two-bit!" Steve yelled. "Are you coming? It's about to be two in the morning. We both have to get some sleep."

"Yeah, I know." Two-bit hesitated. "Go home without me, I'll be coming home in a few moments."

"Are you sure?" Steve asked. "You've been telling me that for the past few nights, are you sure you're ok, mate?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Two-bit sighed.

"Oh, okay." Steve replied looking back at him with remorse. "I'll be waiting for you out by the Grease Phone Booth."

"Sounds chill." Two-bit sighed with only a slow thumbs up.

Steve left the bar and walked all the way to the nearest Grease Phone Booth.

1:50 a.m.
Bliss Outee Bar

"Uh, sir?" A bartender said as he tapped on Two-bit's shoulder.

Two-bit woke up from his "short" nap, and looked at the bartender guy.

Two-bit looked sleepy-eyed, almost looking too weak to do or say anything.

"Are you alright, sir?" The bartender asked. "Do I need to call you a cab or give you some change to call someone to pick you up?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Thank you." Two-bit stumbled as he was getting off the seat.

"By the looks of it." The bartender sighed. "I recommend you need to get picked up in a cab or a car, and head home and sleep."

Two-bit stopped for a minute when the bartender had said these words.

The bartender stopped him again, and offered him a ride home. But, Two-bit refused, and left the bar.

2:10 a.m.
Outside the Bar

Two-bit stumbled towards his car, he was so tired that it almost looked like he was drunk.

As soon as he got inside, he closed the door, put his seatbelt on halfway, turned the key on, and started to drive off.

🎶"I'm a boy- oh- oh." Two-bit started singing while rubbing his eyes while driving. 🎵"I love booze, and I got tears on my - that's not important! I can ride it with a hammer, blah, blah, blah." 🎵

2:30 a.m.

As Two-bit was driving, he was rubbing his eyes. And constantly yawning.

His head fell down, against the steering wheel and suddenly he had pasted a car, and he crashed right next to it, as well as the other car did.

One of the drivers from the other car came out, with blood on his head. e walked over to the nearest phone booth and called 911. "Hello? Police! We need help down here! There's been a car accident! I have huge amounts of blood on my head, and this person who had crashed against me is lying down on the ground, with his face down, and blood on his neck and the side of his face."

"What's your location?"

"Green South on Highway Twelve."

"Alright sir, we're sending ambulance on the way now."

"Thank you."

2:45 a.m.
Curtis Brother Household

Steve, Dallas, Ponyboy, Darryl, Sodapop, and myself, were still up because it's a Friday night. Johnny, however, was on the couch, sleeping snooze as a bug.

"Marshmallow boy." Dallas said with a happy smile.

I noticed that Steve looked a little anxious, he was pacing back and forth, like he was waiting for someone. Then, it hit me.
Two-bit. He's worried about Two-bit.
Suddenly, the phone rang and Darryl was the first one to answer it.

"Hello?" Darryl asked. "Who is it that I'm speaking to?"

"This is the Tulsa Green Medical Center." One of the ladies said. "Are you Darryl Curtis?"

"Yes, I am?" He replied sounding confused. "What is going on?"

"Do you know a guy by the name of Keith "Two-bit" Matthews?"

Darryl's eyes had widened, and so did Steve's, after he saw the expression on his face.

"Yes, is he alright?" Darryl asked.

"He's been in a car accident on Highway Twelve underneath Green South." She continued.

"What?" Darryl exclaimed. "Thank you. We're on our way right now!"

Darryl hung up the phone and looked at all of us. We were so confused, except for him and Steve.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I'm confused." Dallas said.

"Two-bit." He sighed. "He's been in a car accident."

"WHAT?!" We all yelled at once.

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