[part one]

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(this is sit in modern time, so 2023.)
North Denver is more different than Bruce expected. Everything seemed so old compared to his last town. The houses were made of worn down bricks, the leaves of trees didn't seem to ever exist, it seemed nothing has changed since fall of the 1980's.

"Do i have to go to school? We only just arrived here two days ago. We're not even unpacked!" Bruce complained to his mother, his sister beside him for support.

"Too bad. I don't want you missing out on school, it's important. Now no more arguing, you both get to your rooms and get ready," His mother, Nina, told them.

She was already stressed with the move and new adjustments that needed to be made, she didn't need her kids complaining on top of it all. Nina was however worried for Bruce. He never made friends easily, Bruce tended to be more focused on school rather than friends.


Bruce's eyes flickered between the loud kids in the halls to the schedule in his hand. Room 108. He couldn't bring himself to squeeze past the wild students.

To his luck, the bell rung and the halls cleared out, so he was able to easily locate his classes. He didn't get a tour, so he would have to rely on himself.

His first two classes went by as they would at his old school, which was easy and quick. His break would be much more different though.

Bruce stood awkwardly in the cafeteria, holding his tray of food and turning his head every direction to find a place to sit down.

That's when it caught his eye. A boy was waving him over. The first thing that Bruce noticed was his long curly blond hair. It suited him well.

"Get over here!" He shouted. Bruce was about to move forward until someone shoved into his shoulder. Bruce dropped his tray and looked up. He sat down with the boy. He wasn't waving to Bruce.

Bruce left his tray on the floor and walked out the cafeteria. He began thinking on the boy with the blond hair.

He wore a blue denim vest and a plain white shirt, along with mom jeans. It was a simple outfit, but with his hair, and that necklace, Bruce knew he just had to be the coolest person he's seen in this school. If not, the coolest person he's ever seen.

Bruce was never one for friends, but after seeing him, Bruce would just have to take a shot.


As bruce was walking out of school, thankful for it to be finally over, he noticed the blond boy standing by the same person who bumped into Bruce. Bruce took that as his chance to say hello.

"Erm, excuse me?" Bruce cringed at himself for how awkward he sounded. He turned around, his smile quickly dropping, but his mouth stayed slightly opened.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked, his face scrunching up in confusion.

"I'm Bruce. I'm new here and.. well I don't really know anyone and uh.. I like your hair," Bruce blurted out. He mentally face palmed at his stupidity. He had just said the weirdest thing possible to him.

The boy turned around and whispered something to his friend, who then abruptly left. Did that mean something good? Did Bruce's awkwardness actually help?

"You know nothing about me, do you?" He said, getting closer and looking intimidating. Bruce took a slight step back. Maybe it didn't work.

"No? Am i supposed to?" Bruce said, looking both scared and confused. He glared at Bruce for a moment longer before he backed away.

"Good. Don't ask around, people come up crazy explanation's for shit," He told Bruce. He was glad to have met someone his age who doesn't already know so much about him.

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