[part eleven]

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Bruce was back home. His family decided not to bother him. They were all just doing their own things.

He picked up his phone and decided he'd just unblock Vance. The whole bet has caused a lot to Bruce, but there's no harm in staying friends. Bruce promised himself he would not get into a relationship with Vance, no matter how much he wanted it.

I think I can forgive you

Vance <3
Real???!?! Ok i swear I'll never do anything like that again im so so sorry thank you
But like sometime after the bet I genuinely started to care about you n i scared to keep going because i knew i like you and It'd just be worse

You like me?

Vance <3

I think we should just stay friends. You okay with that?

Vance <3
Yeah of course, thats totally fine

Vance blinked at his screen. He didn't want to stay friends. But he got what he deserved. If that was what made Bruce happy, then he was okay with it.

Vance knew he brought this upon himself. If the bet hadn't been made, the two would be fine, maybe even together.

Vance just had to mess it up. He felt he didn't deserve Bruce at all. Maybe they shouldn't even be friends.


Bruce sat on his couch waiting until he had to leave for school. He was scrolling on instagram when he stumbled across a post from four months ago. It was a picture from Aaron.

He was holding the camera up high and smiling brightly. In the background Vance was looking at the camera and smiling brightly. His hair was shoulder length and his style barely changed. They appeared to be sitting outside of their school.

The thing Bruce mainly had his focus on was the girl leaning up against Vance, with his arm wrapped around her. Her hair was red and up to her shoulders. She had a lot of freckles and the brightest green eyes. To say the least, she was very pretty.

Bruce figured the two were either dating or very close friends. What happened to her?

Bruce's eyes looked up at the time and saw he had to leave. He closed the app and put his phone in his pocket before walking out his front door.

When Bruce arrived at the school he noticed Vance leaning against the building walls. He had headphones plugged in and was staring at a comic.

"Hi," Bruce said as he approached him. Vance looked up and pulled out his headphones.

"Hey," Vance said, sounding almost surprised.

"What're you reading?" Bruce asked, looking down at the comic he was holding.

"Um, batman," Vance said with a frown as he held up the front cover for Bruce to see.

"Really? I love those movies!" Bruce replied excitedly. Vance allowed a small smile to grow on his face.

"Me too. I got a few of the comics last christmas. Just rereading them," Vance said as he dropped his backpack down his arm and neatly put the comic inside.

"I've always wanted to have one, parents keep saying no," Bruce shrugged. "You want to head into school now? Bells probably going to ring soon," Bruce said quickly after.

"Yup," Vance said while pulling himself away from the wall. "You can always borrow mine, it's not the same as keeping but you can still read it."

"You're sure? Thank you!" Bruce said happily. The two walked into school together and separated for their first class.

Bruce was glad he friended Vance again. He isn't all that bad. If it were another stupid bet anyways, there'd be no way Bruce could forgive him.

After his first two classes, Bruce was already ready to go home. If he were honest, the only thing keeping him from missing his old town that much, was Vance.

He was slightly unsure if he'd be able to stay friends knowing that they both like eachother. Well, it wouldn't be forever. Just until Bruce can entirely trust Vance again.

Bruce pushed open the front doors of his school with one hand, keeping the other by his side. He hopped down the steps and wandered over to the wall Vance was standing at that morning. He didn't feel at all hungry so he didn't eat anything.

Bruce stood up against the wall just as Vance did. He decided it was uncomfortable so he slid down the wall and sat with his legs close to his chest.

He should've made more friends when he first got here. That's a tomorrow thing.

Bruce figured he probably looked quite strange just sitting there so he stood up and went back inside. First thing he stumbled upon was Vance, Finney, and Robin.

Now that Bruce thought about it, he'd never really seen either of them around the school before. Only that time in the park, but even then he was more focused on Vance.

They were sitting against the wall, Finney was attempting to read a book while Vance and Robin were talking back and forth.

Bruce was about to take a step forward until his arm was grabbed and he was dragged away.

"Hey! Let go y.." Bruce trailed off as he looked up to see Aaron. Bruce stopped his feet and forcefully pulled him arm away.

"I need to talk to you," Aaron pleaded.

"No," Bruce shrugged simply.

"Please! It's important. I wouldn't be talking to you if it wasn't this important," Aaron said, looking behind Bruce and catching Vance with the two boys by his side walking up to them.

"Come with me, will you?" Aaron spoke again.

"No, I'm sorry just -- what you did and all," Bruce lowered his voice near the end.

"Get out of here Aaron, I don't think he wants to talk to you," Vance said, standing next to Bruce.

Aaron shook his head and walked off. Vance turned to look at Bruce, his expression softening.

"You want to come over after school?" Vance asked.

"Yeah!" Bruce happily nodded.

was screaming and crying trying to get this out ngl. ive had no motiviation lately like i get home from school and die in my bed then eat dinner and die in my bed some more.

anywho i got a coraline book im so excited eeeee i gonna read that hop u enjeeoyed

(1063 words.)

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