[part six]

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(I'm skipping monday cuz it's unnecessary.)


Bruce stared at the school clock. Just five more minutes until school was out. He recalled Aaron telling him to hang out with him and Vance same place as last time.

Bruce already had his bag packed, ready to go. He looked at the teacher, pretending to listen but really just thinking about Vance.

Before he knew it, the bell rang and Bruce was somehow still the last person in the class. He pushed his way through the school, just wanting to be out of that place.

Bruce took a deep breath when he was outside, enjoying the fresh air entering his lungs. As be started walking down the street, he pulled out his phone to quickly tell his mom he'd be gone for a few hours.

The more he got closer to the spot, the more he noticed the large crowd standing in a circular form.

He ran up to it, carefully pushed his way to the front. In the middle was Vance standing in front of a much taller boy.

Bruce watched in terror, thinking that Vance might get beat up by him.

"I told you to leave him the fuck alone, Berry," Vance said. Bruce looked down, noticed a petrified boy standing behind Vance.

"What're you going to do about it?" Berry laughed. Vance glared at him. He pushed the boy back into the crowd gently, still staring at Berry.

"You want to know?" Vance asked, walking back up to Berry.

Berry opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Vance threw a fast, hard punch to Berry's jaw. He tumbled back, trying to get back into his stance. He didn't have enough time as Vance kicked him back onto the ground.

Bruce covered his mouth with his hand, shocked at what he was seeing. Not only was Vance fighting someone, but he was winning. He hadn't even been hit once.

No, Bruce wasn't just shocked, he was afraid.

He looked around the crowd once more, spotting a girl from his math class. He pushed through the crowd again, stopping when he reached her.

"Um, excuse me? I'm Bruce, from your math class. Is this- is this Vance's first fight?" Bruce asked, tapping her shoulder gently to get her attention.

She looked back, then snickering lightly. "First fight? Hah! You're the new kid, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Is that a no? Could I hear about his other fight?" Bruce asked, hopeful.

"I would, but I don't got enough time, and I've got to be home in an hour!" She said, laughing a bit. "Alright, sorry. I'm Kiera by the way. Come over here I'll tell you about some the grab n go ones," she said, walking through the crowd, looking back to make sure Bruce was behind her.

She sat down on a bench, crossing her legs and facing Bruce.

"I was actually there for this one, Vance was playing pinball as per usual..." Kiera continued telling Bruce two of the stories before the crowd cleared and she said she had to go home.

Bruce stood up, looking where all the people were. Berry was walking away with the help of his supposed friend, and Vance was wiping the blood off his knuckles using his shirt.

He still looked incredibly angry. Bruce didn't want to get hurt. He slowly backed away. His walked turned into a run as he headed home.

He only wanted a friend. Vance was so cool, everything about him was so cool, and Bruce loved it. But now? Now he terrified of Vance. What if he got angry and hurt Bruce just as he had hurt so many others?

Bruce wasn't just shocked or afraid, he felt alone. He realized, without Vance he's back to where he started. Back to being to the new boy. Back to having no friends. It's only been two weeks and yet he has lost everything.

Bruce slowed down his run, he had too many thoughts and the running was making him even more tired.

He wanted to run back there and help Vance take care of his wounded knuckles. But his shock and afraid was stopping him.

He still seemed angry. What if he turned around and landed a punch to his jaw just like the other boy. He was too scared. But as much as he felt that, he wanted to know more. He needed to know more.

Bruce stopped in the middle of the road to think, but was quickly interrupted by a car speeding towards him.

Bruce jumped out of the way and nearly fell backwards. He shook his head at himself and walked until he stood in front of the house of who he knew could help him.

Bruce took a deep breath before he walked onto their porch and knocked twice on the door.

A older man opened the door, he was entirely bald and his beard had many grey hairs.

"Hello? You ain't one them boy scouts are ya?" He asked, adjusting his shirt.

"No, I'm looking for Aaron. Is he home?" Bruce asked.

"Oh, yeah he is, up in his room doing.. I don't know, I'll call him down," He shrugged before he turned around and screamed Aaron's name so loud Bruce thought for a moment his ears would begin to bleed.

Aaron came running down the stairs a few second later, looking surprised when he noticed Bruce.

"Bruce? Hi, uh," He said, walking out the door and shutting it, leaving his dad standing confused.

"I saw one of Vance's fights. Someone told me about some of the one's he's had and I just- I want to hear more," Bruce spoke.

Aaron stared at him for a moment, his expression unreadable before he finally said, "Alright."

Aaron took a seat on the bench, waiting for Bruce to follow suite.

"Where to start.. yes! This one was at the arcade Vance usually hangs out on the roof," Bruce nodded, remembering Vance taking him there once. This fight must be why he's so unwanted there.

Aaron continued explaining. Bruce almost regret asking while Aaron explained him accidentally stabbing the poor kid's leg.

He didn't know what he expected himself to gain from learning more of the stories, because he only gained becoming more scared and paranoid.

Aaron continued on explaining four until he could no longer think of any more.

"Well. If you want to know some more come by tomorrow, I'll probably have remembered some more," Aaron said, placing his hand on his knees before he stood up.

"No, no I'm good that's enough. Thank you, Aaron. I'll see you around," Bruce nodded, standing up too. Aaron waved goodbye to him and walked inside.

Bruce walked away, still thinking on Vance. As much as he wanted to not be afraid, he couldn't help it. Who knows what could happen.

So silly

I've also become obsessed with 'In My Room' by insane clown posse. when he says "please! Come back to the room, ill do anything for thee, don't ignore me" its actually got me screaming, giggling, kicking my feet n everything 😻😻

(1190 words)

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