[part fifteen]

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Bruce waited outside for his sister so he could walk with her. Bruce wished his parents would let her walk alone.

Amy finally came outside and happily walked down their driveway. Bruce followed behind her. Bruce looked down at his phone for what seemed like the millionth time that day. Still nothing.

"Why you keep checking your phone so much?" Amy said looking directly at Bruce. He looked up and shrugged.

"No reason. Just waiting for someone to answer me," Bruce said, putting his phone away.

"Who?" Amy questioned. Bruce didn't respond. "Come on, I'm your sister just tell me. Oh my god is it that same person you were giggling about a few days ago?!" Amy said, her voice becoming more excited as she continued.

"All I'm saying is yes. Same person," Bruce admitted. Amy nodded. She didn't need to ask exactly who it was. She figured it was probably Vance.

"Why're they suddenly ignoring you?" Amy wondered aloud.

"Stop asking so many questions, Amy, I don't know! We were fine. Great, fun, all good. Fuck if I know why the hell he isn't talking to me!" Bruce snapped.

He awkwardly stared at the ground after his sudden outburst.

"Sorry," Amy whispered quietly. Bruce looked over at her and shook his head.

"No, don't say that. I'm sorry. I just don't know what i did wrong."

"Oh.. well um, this is Denise's house. We can walk the rest. Bye Bruce," Amy pointed to the house then waved slightly. Bruce just nodded and turned around.

He tried to pull out his phone but since he wasn't paying attention to where he was walking Bruce nearly got hit by a car. He jumped back on the sidewalk. He pulled out his phone to still see no messages.

Bruce shook his head at himself. Vance would answer eventually or he'd see him at school. Bruce looked back up and over across the street where he heard something fall.

Vance was walking down the road, looking at a medium sized rock he probably dropped. His head was pulled back up when he walked away from it. He never noticed Bruce.

Bruce figured Vance had a good reason to be avoiding him so he didn't bother to say anything.

Vance sat in his room knowing his mom was downstairs blocking him from leaving. Griffin also wants Vance to 'do better,' so he'd tell on Vance the second he tried sneaking out.

That's when he realized; he could just go out his window. It was however on the second floor with nothing to climb down and also a screen in the way.

He still didn't know where to find Bruce, but getting out of the house is still good. He opened the window and removed the screen.

After tossing it on the bed he peered out the window looking for the least painful way down. He could jump on the lower roof and jump onto the ground then. Or just straight up jump and risk breaking his legs.

Vance sat down on his windowsill and reached a foot out before hopping on the lower roof. It was a smaller jump than from his window. He knew there was no going back now so he jumped off.

Vance landed on the ground which didn't hurt half as bad as he thought it would. Vance stood up and looked to the window in front of him. That was to his moms room. He would get in trouble from sneaking out anyways, might as well do a little more.

He opened the window and climbed through it. He slowly walked to her dresser and took his phone out. He quietly jumped back out the window. Vance checked his battery to see it was only at 7%.

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