CHAPTER TWO???!?!?!?!?

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"Jesus fuck, it's cold..." You mutter to yourself, zipping up your jacket.

After a few more of the sets, you decided you needed to get some air. Usually, loud live music was always the thing to help clear your mind, but tonight it just didn't seem to be working. Helen always used to let you hang out in the back alley, so why stop now?

You take the box of cigarettes out from your jacket pocket. Damn, you've only got two left. You take one of the cigarettes and place it between your lips. Before you can light it, however, the back door of the bar opens behind you.

"Oh fuck, it's cold out here!"

It's him, the bassist from the stage! What was the band's name? Something about romance. He doesn't seem to notice you at first, but when he does he throws his hand up in apology.

"Ah, shit! Hey! Uh, didn't see you there, I'm sorry."

"No worries," you speak through your teeth, cigarette still hanging out of your mouth.

"Oh, hey, can I bum one of those?" The bassist asks, closing the door behind him.

You pull the final cigarette from your pocket and hand it to him, "Yeah, sure. It's my last one, so you're lucky."

He frowns. "Oh, then don't worry about me! Keep it, I wouldn't have asked if I knew."

"No, seriously don't worry about it," You reassure him. "Here, I'll trade you if you light me up, I think I dropped my lighter somewhere."

He smiles and takes the cigarette from between your fingers, placing it between his own lips. He pulls out a red lighter and lights you both before closing his eyes and taking a long drag. You decide to do the same. While doing so, you decide to get a good look at this guy. Yeah, you could see him from the stage, sure, but up close he gave a whole different vibe.

He was still skinny and pale, of course, however he was much taller than you originally thought, probably around 5'10". His blonde hair, which actually wasn't all that blonde at all, was stringy and straight with a long fringe swept over his face. He wore narrow, thick rimmed black and white glasses, a Radiohead shirt, skinny grey jeans, a black overcoat, and a black beanie. He actually seemed kind of... intimidating?

"Thanks a lot, I needed that," he smiles again at you. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name actually."


"Y/N, I like that. I'm Michael."

"Oh, you're THE Michael Romance?"

"Oh, haha," he teases, rolling his eyes. "It's actually Michael Way, but most people just call me Mikey."

You smirk and take another drag from your cigarette. Mikey taps his bud, the ash falling into the snow, turning it a dirty brown. You look up at him again. He seems friendly enough, so you decide to strike up a conversation.

"So..." You trail off. Shit, you have no idea what to talk about. Socializing never really has been your strongest suit.

"So what?" Mikey chuckles.

"Uh, are you new around here? I've been going to Battle of the Bands for years, I've never seen you guys around."

"Nah, we're local. Lived in Jersey all our lives. Gerard and I are from Belleville, Frank too. Ray's from Kearny. Our band is kinda new though, we've just started getting into the scene, I guess."

"Ah, gotcha. How long you've guys been a band?"

"Only about a year, maybe? I don't know, my internal clock is pretty broken. You could tell me it's July and I'd believe you. Even with the snow!"

You can't help but laugh at his lame joke. Somehow, you actually found it pretty charming. You manage to seem equally as lame though, because you just choked on your own cigarette.

"Fuck, are you okay?!" Mikey yelps, patting you on the back.

You attempt to laugh it off, but you're still hacking up a little. "Y-yeah! I'm good! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

Mikey takes the bud from your hand and stomps it into the snow, followed by his own. "Maybe that's enough for right now, yikes!"

"Yeah, sorry," You cough.

"Well, I wanna make sure you're okay. Do you think, uh..." Mikey pulls his phone out from his pocket and flips it open, facing it towards you. "Maybe I could have your number? Just to check in on you. To make sure you're okay. Just for good measure. That's all."

You look down at his phone, contacts page open, and then back up at him. His face is pink. Is he blushing? Maybe it's just the cold, but you smile, deciding to think otherwise.

"Oh! Yeah, for 'good measure'," You tease, typing in your number. Mikey gives you a big goofy smile when you finish, clapping his phone shut.

"Thanks. You're pretty cool, Y/N."

You give a goofy smile back. "That means a lot coming from you, Michael Romance."

Michael Romance (Mikey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now