CHAPTER THREE!??!!?!!???

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"Y/N! Y/N, you awake?!"

You wake up to the sound of your roommate pounding on your bedroom door. God, what time is it? You barely remember coming home last night; the last thing you remember was talking to that bassist, Mikey.

"Hey, Y/N! Cal made lunch! Come on and get up already!"

You groan and drag yourself out of bed begrudgingly. You open the door and walk into the living room of your apartment where your two roommates, Cal and Zen, reside.

"FINALLY," Cal yells through a mouthful of food. "Dude, you've been asleep for, like, ever. There's waffles on the counter."

You head over to the kitchen to grab your waffles, only to see your phone open on the counter. Confused, you pick it up and see a deleted call.

"Hey guys? Did either of you use my cell?"

"Oh yeah, I did," Cal says, raising their hand. "Sorry, some random number called you and I picked up thinking it was my cell. I deleted the call and the number."

"CAL! I think that was the guy I met at the bar last night! How could you do that?!"

"I'm sorry! I thought it was my phone!"

Zen slams him plate down on the coffee table. "Mom and dad are fighting!" He wails. Cal laughs and hugs Zen, who pouts into their arms.

"I really am sorry, Y/N," Cal frowns. "Maybe you can find him again? Did you meet him at Demolition?"

You sigh and clap your cell shut. It's no use. After the disaster reception to Mikey's band last night, chances are they won't play at Demolition again, and you don't blame them.

"Never mind, it's whatever. It probably wouldn't have gone anywhere anyways..."

"Aw, Y/N..." Zen coos. "C'mon lemme give you a kiss!"

You laugh and walk over to the couch, letting Zen kiss you on the cheek. You sit next to your roommates and stare down at your phone. You don't WANT to forget about Mikey, he was cute! He was dorky and unfunny, but in a charming way. Corny guys are always the best guys, after all. After a moment of thinking, you turn to Cal.

"Cal? Can I borrow your laptop? I wanna look something up."

"Sure, it's on my desk."

You make your way to Cal's room and open their laptop. You quickly click the search bar and type away, hoping to find something, ANYTHING to help you find Mikey.

Then there it is, in all it's glory:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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