Prologue 🚬

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"Why do you want the job as manager?" Asked the tall skinny male, his face showing little to no emotion at all. There was no denying that piers was attractive but Y/N had never seen him up close like this. He couldn't help but keep staring at Piers electric blue eyes.

 He raised a brow waiting for a response, Piers had a reputation of being cold and rude to gym challenger's, his only friends seemed to be Rainan and his sister. 

 "Well I'm excellent with time management and I'll be sure to get you only the best gigs?" Y/N responded nervously smiling at Piers form across the table hoping that he would get this job. 

"Alright, your hired" he said lazily "meet here tomorrow, 10" Piers grunted walking out closing the door behind him. 

Y/N sat there taking in that he just got the job, a job that pays quite well too. After a moment of sitting in silence Y/N left the building making his way back to his apartment that wasn't to far away.

A/N: sorry for it being very short I promise I'll try and make the chapters longer hope u enjoy my book <33333

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