Chapter 2 🧷

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A tapping could be herd from my boot colliding with the concrete waiting for the famous singer to appear. I frantically looked around, 10 minutes till boarding where was Piers? I would say I couldn't believe it but in reality this was a common occurrence.

 Just as the conductor was shouting to board the train I was engulfed in a tall shadow that so happened to be Piers himself. "So are you going to the board the train or what?" Piers said sarcastically while walking onto the train "wha- hey wait up!"

 I exclaimed running onto the train taking a seat next to Piers "so the money from you concert is $500 not including the merchandise sold" I said professionally clearing my throat after. We both sat in silence for a moment only for it to be interrupted by Piers letting out a grunt. I sighed the trip back to spikemuth was guarantied to be a long one.


Unlocking my door I walked into my small flat slamming my body onto the couch  screaming into the cushions, why did Piers have to be such a bastard. He never wants to talk about anything work related or just in general, it was so tiresome working with him. He somehow always pisses me off maybe being his manager was a bad idea. 

Suddenly a knock at the door pierced through my train of thought. I wasn't expecting anyone, so my instant reaction was to get my Pokémon out, and that just what I did. I let espeon and gengar  out of their balls, I wanted to be prepared if the person at my door was dangerous, slowly making my way to my door looking back at my two Pokémon. 

There was so many possibilities on who it could be if not a total stranger, but there was one person who would make me slam the door on them on sight, I prayed it wasn't them as I turned the door knob, I looked up and I that moment I should slam the door.

Take my heart already (Piers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now