Chapter 1 🖇

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"Piers!" I yelled Form out side his dressing room doing circles reading over your notes held up by  a  cork clipboard "PIERS! Your on in 5, hurry!" After screaming at him to get ready I herd frantic  movement coming from inside his dressing room. Thank Arceus he's finally getting ready for his show. Piers walked out wile putting on one black and white spiked boot "I'm ready now" he said clearing his throat giving me a salty look, "finnaly your going on soon," I sighed looking up to see Piers staring at me. "Go! I'll meet you back here after the show!" I shooed him away causing Piers to run down the hallway into the stadium to start his show. I sighed working for Piers was an annoying job for sure, I almost always pissed off with him. My thoughts stoping when Espeon rubbed up on my leg "hello Espeon, Piers is a big pain isn't he" you sighed Espeon cooling in agreement, "shall we go watch from the vip lounge?" You said making Espeons eyes to light up and causing her to run down the hall, "Hey! Wait up."


"Y/N I'm so glad you came! I thought you may be stuck in Piers's dressing room" Leon exclaimed giving you a giant hug, I laughed "no way he's been a dick to me since forever" I said taking a seat up from with Espeon. "Can you expect anything more from him" joked Raihan sitting down next to me putting one arm around my shoulder with a sly wink. My focus turned away from the dragon type gym leader and onto Piers there was no denying that he was attractive his neon blue eyes locked onto yours before you turned away to find Espeon with Raihan, I let out a small laugh she always finds someone to give her attention. I could see Piers hair bouncing as he danced gracefully across the stage, it was a shame he was such a little bitch, I'm convinced he only is nice to his sis marnie and Raihan, well two can play at that game. After the show ended I bid my goodbyes rushing to meet Piers at his dressing room. My thoughts being interrupted by none other than Piers himself bumping into me, "watch it bitch" he grunted walking to his dressing room "hey get back here, PIERS, you emo!" I scream rushing after him just managing to slip through the rooms door. "What do you want Y/N I'm tired" he sighed laying down on the black couch closing those beautiful eyes, "oh I wanted to tell you that u sucked out there,of course I'm here to congratulate you!" I exclaimed. I was getting frustrated with Piers constants ignorance "you really are a dick you know that right?" I sighed opening the door while putting Espeon in her ball. "Just meet me at the train station at 8am okay? So no drinking" shorting him a glare as I walked out, I was met with the same glare from Piers.

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