Chapter 3 💿

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A/N: sorry this took so long i promise ill try to update everyday <333

Piers POV

I leaned up against Y/N's door holding it open so he couldn't slam it in my face. He looked up at me with discolored e/c eyes, there where two reasons I hired Y/N he seemed fit for the job and of course he was the most stunning person i have ever seen. it was a shame he hated me, Marn said we would make a cute couple ''are you going to say anything or just stand there and daydream?'' Y/N stated crossing his arms looking up with an annoyed expression.

''well Marn said I should be nicer on you, so I'm here to talk about my next gigs I guess'' I said walking in past his, two Pokémon that where out of their balls, and taking a seat on the couch. For a second Y/N stood there in shock that I waltzed into his house like that, i let out a quiet chuckle as he made his way over to me sitting down. I turned my head waiting for stacks of paper to magically appear in his hand, instead i was met with Y/N starring me up and down.

''what are you looking at punk?'' I growled instantly regretting the tone of voice I used, ''huh there it is your still the annoying fuck I remember you as'' I gritted my teeth at his comment watching gengar pass its trainer a clipboard. Y/N flicked through some pages getting to the one he was searching for ''so you have three concerts here at Spikemuth next week on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, but we can just change it to three days in a row?'' Y/N stated professionally, he looked up me raising an eyebrow waiting for my response.

''um yea i can do three days in a row'' i said looking around Y/N's living room , it was decorated with plants and small statues, '' Perfect now what do you think of this poster" Y/N said pulling up a brand new design for the shows next week on his phone  ''i just need to change the dates but that's not to hard, do you like it?''

''wow I really like it thanks Y/N'' I said without a sarcastic tone that surprised both off us. Once again I  received a glare form Y/N ''that's wasn't sarcastic are you the real piers?' he said tilting his head, ''yes i am the real piers'' I said using air quotations.'' 

''Your  such a little fuck sometimes'' i said rolling my eyes ''cant we have a normal conversation!?''

''you never want a normal conversation, your always ignoring what I say this is the first time you have openly want to talk about what shows your doing!!'' Y/N screamed tears swelling up in his eyes. I sighed ''ill just go'' I said walking out before he could stop me . Mine and Marnie's house wasn't too far away since Y/N moved closer to us because of the new job.  I went home and crashed onto my bed , why did  everything have to be so shit and it was all my fault, I never want to do anything anymore. Sighing I grabbed  my phone texting Y/N

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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