Tori 🍄 Pokémon

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*this character is based mostly on the anime series

i. basic information

full name: Victoria Williams

Nicknames: Tori

⭐️species: Human

⭐️birthplace: Hoenn Region, Lilycove City

⭐️hometown: Alola Region, Ula'ula Island, the bottom of Mount Lanakila

⭐️languages spoken: English

⭐️birthday: Feb. 3rd

⭐️zodiac: Aquarius

age: 16-17ish

gender: Genderfluid

⭐️pronouns: Any

sexuality: Bisexual

⭐️relationship status: single

romantic interest: Lillie

back-up romantic interest: Lana

ii. fandom details


trainer/other?: Trainer

⭐️occupation: Works at her Aunt's bakery, but also attends the pokemon school

Mudkip - Their starter and the pokemon their closest too, it often likes to run off but always comes back. It's a little chaotic, but cares a lot for its trainer. Tori and Mudkip have been together since Tori was 10. Mudkip can also be found using water gun on peoples faces out of fun or annoyance. Mudkip is not interested in evolving.
Glaceon - Evolved from an Eevee in which they found suffering in the cold climate of Mount Lanakila. Tori had taken the Eevee home and took care of it, the two grew attached, and because of the cold climate as well as the often snow storms of Mount Lanakila, it evolved into Glaceon.
Minior - A shiny Minior without its shell which connected to Tori when the school took a trip to the observatory. Similar to the late hatching Minior it was found unable to fly back up into the sky, while the other floated away the next night, this Minior is permanently stuck on Earth. It's very shy, but easily excited and curious. It feels safest around Tori and chooses to be one of their pokemon.
Corviknight - one of the pokemon that Tori caught while in the Galar region. It's very quiet and keeps to itself with a very protective manner. Corviknight is one of Tori's main fighting partners, but they don't bring Corviknight out very often on Alola, as they don't want to explain that Corviknight is from another region. It is able to dynamax

⭐️other notable pokémon:
Alcremie - A blue swirl with yellow star sweets that Tori also caught in the Galar region. Though Alcremie is not often seen, it is a great worker in the bakery helping bake with its sweet whipped cream. Alcremie stays in the back and the customers don't see it, sometimes though, Tori takes it out on an adventure. It is able to dynamax.

Z-Ring - A ring they were given by Nanu the kahuna of Ula'ula island. They have a water type z-crystal, as well as a ghost type z-crystal from Acerola. Later they manage to earn an ice type z-crystal.
Dynamax Bracelet - Though the Alola region isn't acoustom to dynamaxing, they still often wear the bracelet from when they earned it. Whenever the energy is possible though, they are able to dynamax their pokemon.

⭐️type specialty: Technically doesn't have one, but has a soft spot for ice and water

iii. physical appearance

description: short brown hair with lavender ends that have bangs that cover their eyes. Navy blue eyes, pale skin, mostly feminine in appearance.

height: 5'3

iv. personality traits

traits: creative, intelligent, observant, quiet, calm

likes: drawing, writing, a little baking, video games, exploring

dislikes: team skull (their simply annoying), rude customers when their working, losing their pokemon,

⭐️hobbies: drawing, and writing mostly

⭐️habits: shakes their hands when happy/excited or nervous/anxious

v. relationships

father(s): Phil Williams (deceased)

mother(s): Christine Williams (deceased)

other: Crystal Williams (Aunt)

sibling(s): Brian (brother), Jordan (brother)

⭐️friend(s): Acerola, Kiawe, Lana, Mallow, Lillie, Sophocles

vi. background information

backstory: Tori grew up in the Hoenn region where when they turned 10, they picked up Mudkip, their first starter. Their life overall is pretty normal, and also doesn't fight many of the gym leaders, but trains Mudkip when the two want a little action. Eventually though when their 12, their mother falls ill and is unable to make it through. Leaving Tori and their brothers with their dad until they are roughly 13. Their dad passed away from an accident, and the three are picked up by their Aunt Crystal who lives in Alola. Tori often calls her Auntie, and the three are moved immediately into the bakery on ula'ula island. They start attending the pokemon school at 14 becoming close with Kaiwe who often picks them up when morning delivers to take them to the school. They participate in the island challenge, and succeed, though they are far from the best and have only completed Ula'ula island with little interest in completing the rest at the moment. At 15 they travel to the Galar region where they participate in the gym challenges getting to the championship. They are able to get to the finals, but are unable to continue and head back home to the Alola region. Them and their brothers work with their Aunt in the bakery, serving, seating, as well as baking. Tori and Mallow are often sharing stories with the group about serving customers and funny stories they might overhear. Tori currently still goes to the pokemon school and still works in the bakery, living a mostly put together life, simply trying to live with the intent to explore other regions later.

vii. clothing

casual: TBD (still drawing)

⭐️formal: TBD

⭐️swimwear: TBD

⭐️pajamas: TBD

viii. others

⭐️fun fact(s):
- Acerola was the first person they became friends with.
- Kiawe is their best friend basically, and though he comes off a little competitive, and sometimes a little rude, the two of them get along well.
- Tori and Mallow get along well and sometimes share recipes with each other to simply try out. And they often colab to bring the food from Mallows restaurant to Ula'ula island, and their desserts to Melemele island.

⭐️theme song: serotonin by girl in red

⭐️aesthetic: cozycore

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