chapter 22

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I walk into the house after persuading Arnold to not come with me. That I'll be okay.

I don't want to create chaos in the house, Barry is notbyet in good terms with him and it definitely wouldn't help now that he is not okay because of what is going on.
I shut the door behind me walking into the living room, the tension in here is so evident that is sends shivers down my spine.

Ella is already here, an guessing either nanny or Barry called her, she is sitting on the couch while Sean is sitted on the couch's arm. Barry is striding up and down the room nervousness written all over his eyes
Nanny is sitting opposite Ella, we include her in everything we do, she is like our second mother, she is family.

Always wants the best for us.

“so what's up? ” I ask no one in particular stepping down on the last step into the living room.

Barry turns to face me, “We have been waiting for you in order to give everyone the news at once.”

“Barry can you fucking talk already, the suspence is killing me.” Ella talks trying to keep it all together.

“we went into the wood where we tracked his phone to and we did not find him there.” he starts “am afraid things might not be good. ”

“what do you mean? ” that's Ella.

“we found his phone in the mad, one of his shoes was down the drift.” his voice breaks “I don't think I'll be able to survive without him.”

Sean walks to him without a word and he pull him in for a hug.“it's okay.”

I glance at Ella and she is not saying anything, her expression is bleak and I can't read her. “Ella?” I call walking to her.

she keeps staring into space. I sit beside her and I place my hand on her shoulders pulling her in. “I got you. ” with that she breaks down and tears starts rolling down her face.

“Rob, he can't be dead.” she cries.

“No no no. Don't say that.” I console pushing the thought off my mind. I am hurting and my heart is shuttering when the image comes into my mind but I need to be strong for her.

“But... ” I don't even let her finish the statement.

“no Ella. I need you to stop saying that.” I try keeping the tears burning behind my eyes at bay. “there is a chance he is still alive. ” nanny nods and I continue. “well, I refuse to believe my baby brother is dead until I see his body.” I get off Ella standing. “until then we keep looking.”

“I'll be with Ella, why don't you check on your father. He doesn't know anything.” nanny says walking to Ella.

“but isn't he supposed to be sleeping?” I ask knowing that it is way past midnight.

“he has been having trouble sleeping lately, just do it dear.”

“what do you mean he has been having trouble sleeping? ” that is Barry.

“he has been having nightmar..”

Barry cuts her off midsentence. “and you are telling us this now! ” he raises his voice.
“Barry! ” I snap at him. “watch your tone. ”

“she knows that dad is not okay and she doesn't say anything. Why would she do that Rob? ” he is practically yelling and I can't believe him right now.

“so raising your voice at her will take back time and make her correct that? You gotta be fucking kidding me.” I scoff. “is Jim's disappearance messing with you that much that you are losing respect for nanny? ”

“Rob, that is enough.” nanny says rubbing Ella's back soothingly. “your brother is having a lot going on. Cut him some slack. ”

“and that justifies his actions.” I turn to Barry. “apologize.”

He glances at nanny running his hand on his hair, “sorry nanny, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. Please forgive me. ”

“I'll check on him.” I head to the strairs, when I step on the landing a loud gunshot sound vibrates all over the house and I gasp running into dad's room where the sound came from aware of everyone following me.

“Daad!” I call pushing his bedroom door open.“Daddy....daddy! ” I get in and what my eyes see makes my legs shake. “Nnno,” I find him lying on the floor soaked with his own blood, this can't be. I pull him and I let him lie on my arms. The blood is still hot. The gun is still on his hand.

“papaa.” that is Barry kneeling beside me.

Tears are flowing down my eyes silently and my dress is soaking with his blood, there is a lot of blood, “daddy, why?” the question rolls out my tongue and I can't help but let the tears keep rolling down.

“call an ambulance nanny? ” I yell at nanny and she walks to me slowly, “what are you doing, we need to save my dad.” I cry shaking him. “call the ambulance. ”

“Rob.. ” Barry calls and I ignore.

“nanny, call the ambulance.” I repeat since it looks like she is not hearing me. Tears are trickling down her cheeks.

“Rob.” Barry calls again.

“what Barry what! ” I snap.

“he can't be saved, he is gone. ” his voice breaks.

“no no” I stutter.

At this time blood is no longer oozing from his temple where the bullet went through and it hits me that he is really dead.
letting him go I slowly stand and I walk out.

“Rob?” Ella calls and I ignore her. I need to get out of here. My mind is screaming and my muscles are shaking. I feel heat rising up in my body. My head is spinning and everything is going blurry. “Rob, where are you going?” he voice is becoming distant.

“I need to be alone.” I want to scream at the top of my lungs, I want to hit myself with something, I am all numb and I can't even feel my own heart beat. I need to feel some pain to remind me that I am still alive.

I walk into my room and I slide down the wall next to the door after closing it behind me. I sit curling my knees and placing my hands around my knees placing my head on them. Trying to resist whatever am feeling.

This must be a terrible nightmare. I'll just wake up and find my dad in the living room taking his lemon tea as usual reading a magazine.

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