Introduction and Recap

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Hello! Welcome to In the Darkness, the sequel to Glimpses of Moonlight. If you haven't read the first story, it can be found on my page. I recommend reading that one first, as it gives some background to the story and characters— especially our heroine, Katie Swan.

For those who have read the first book and may be in need of a summary, I have provided one below. WARNING: it contains spoilers in order to comprehensively cover the first installment of this trilogy. If you are planning on reading the first book, do not read ahead.


Katie Swan's parents were murdered by her previous vampire boyfriend's clan (Damien, James, Victoria, Laurent). Johnathan, the vampire in question, was murdered shortly thereafter in a conflict with his brother, Damien. As a result, Katie was sent to live with her only living relatives— Charlie and Bella Swan, who live in Forks.

But this transition was less than easy. With the ability to sense the supernatural, along with various other tricks, Katie knew right away that moving to Forks was less easy than it seemed. And things went downhill when Edward and the Cullens left town, leaving her to mend Bella's broken heart.

Along the way, Katie became close friends with Jacob Black. When he suddenly avoided her, days after her seventeenth birthday, she was crushed— and angry. In a confrontation at the reservation almost two weeks later, Jake realized that he had imprinted on her.

All was good between the two until Alice Cullen suddenly reappeared at the Swan house, alarmed that Bella had committed suicide. Except, she hadn't. Edward, however, had a miscommunication, and decided to force the Voluturi's hand in order to die alongside her. With barely enough time to spare, Bella and Katie were able to save him before it was too late. However, this required sacrifice— Bella needed to become a vampire before the Volturi came to investigate again.

Crushed, Katie returned to Forks, where the pack was eager to form a plan to protect the Swan girls from Victoria, who was still lurking around the area.


Which leads us to this story. I've provided a sneak peek of what's to come, just in case you were curious :) Enjoy!


While Katie has become best friends with her cousin Bella, she is not too happy with Bella's boyfriend, Edward, for how he has treated her and put her into danger. To make matters more complicated, with the Volturi on their heels, a decision over Bella's transformation sends Edward and Katie into a sense of forced comrade as they try and convince her to stay human.

On the bright side, Jacob Black, Katie's other best friend, has helped her manage her inexplicable abilities- at least somewhat. Once he became a werewolf, he imprinted on her, and they've been inseparable ever since.

But how can she balance the werewolf and vampire feud? Especially in light of Victoria, who is intent on killing Bella, heightening tensions between the Cullens and the pack.

They're going to need a little push. But, luckily, that's what Katie is best at.


Once again, I'd like to thank all of you readers for your support on "Glimpses of Moonlight," and, hopefully, this story, too. It means the world to me to have your support, comments, votes, etc. I would not be here without you!!

I hope you enjoy "In the Darkness," just as much, if not more, than "Glimpses of Moonlight."

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