Chapter 16

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Aang tightened his headband over his eyes and got ready. Katara and I looked at each other and nodded and Toph gave a thumbs-up. Toph sent a flying boulder towards Aang as Katara made water arms. Aang created a rock wall to stop Katara's attack as he punched the boulder Toph launched at him. I created a medium-sized fireball and as he was mid-punch for the boulder, I launched it at him. He ducked in time dodging it perfectly then shot a gust of wind in my direction.

I stood my ground and used my arms to cover my face as I stood against the gust of wind. Once it was over I shot three fireballs in a row as Katara did another water whip. He jumped out of the way causing the fire and water to collide in mid-air. Instantly evaporating the water as the fire died. Katara and I looked at each other in shock not expecting that to happen.

Toph created a medium-sized boulder again and aimed for Aang. To dodge it, he bent the ground under him causing him to fall into a protective hole. Katara couldn't block Toph's boulder in time and got knocked into the water. She got out of the water angry and sent a giant wave of water towards Aang. However, the water missed Aang and got Toph wet instead. This ultimately created a fight between the two.

Unsure what to do I told Aang training was over for now. "Sneak attack!" Sokka yelled as he came charging behind Aang. I facepalmed as Aang stopped Sokka by creating a rock wall. I laughed at Sokka's face when the wall came down causing him to scowl at me.

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

"We could explore and maybe find something fun to do." Aang suggested.

"I wanna tag along." Toph said excitedly.

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay here and make dinner." Katara spoke as she sat near the fire I made.

I looked at her as if she was unsure I was about to offer to stay with her and help but Sokka grabbed my hand and yanked me to his side. "Let's go we need our trusty guide." He joked. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Katara. "We'll be back before dark." She nodded and gave a small smile.

We went into town and I showed them around, taking them to all the places I liked going when I was younger. While I was giving them a tour of the place all the memories of my dad started to come back. Everything I've shown them was things my dad has taken me to. I stopped in my tracks feeling short of breath and feeling my heart beat faster. Harder. Louder.

They turned and looked at me confused, I just stood there frozen. I placed my hand on my chest over my heart wanting to squeeze it and make it stop. "Are you ok?" Sokka asked concerned. "Her heart rate is really fast." Toph spoke as she was looking the wrong way. Sokka quickly moved her to face the right direction and then ran up to me. He guided me to the nearest seat and sat me down.

Sitting down next to me he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and brought me into a side hug. "It's ok to let it out." Sokka spoke softly. Tears quickly welled up in my eyes threatening to fall at my next blink. I looked around and saw people would look over. I quickly sat up straight and wiped all the tears away, forcing myself to gain my composure. "Thank you, Sokka, but I don't want to let it out in public." I gave him a soft smile.

"I'm sorry if I ruined the trip. Everything just started to remind me of... well.. my... my uhm, my-" I tried to speak as the tears started to come back.

"Hey it's ok, there's no need to finish your sentence. We get it, let's head back it's getting dark anyway." Sokka side-hugged me again.

On our way back to our camp we overheard people talking about a cursed village nearby. We looked at each other and simultaneously nodded as if we all read each other's minds. We quickly headed back to camp to tell Katara about it. Once we made it back we talked to her about what we overheard. This peeked her interest and concern for the missing people and their families. We all agreed tomorrow morning we'd go and check it out.


It was now night time and everyone got ready for bed. Toph was in her rock tent, Sokka was in his sleeping bag, Katara was in her sleeping bag, Aang was sleeping on Appa, Momo was on Aang, and I was sitting in front of the fire. Bored. Unable to sleep. Just then Sokka's bird returned with a note attached to his leg. Curious, I got up and took the letter. It was from Zuko.

Dear (Y/n),

I got your letter, I'm sad I couldn't say goodbye in person but I hope to see you soon. Uncle Iroh says hello and that he misses you already. Some of the regular customers have asked about you. I just told them you moved back with your family.

Uncle Iroh and I have moved locations as well, we're back in the fire nation too. Maybe we'd run into each other? How's your progress coming with letting me join?

- Your Zuko

Dear Zuko,

Tell Iroh I said hi back and that I miss him too. I wanted to say goodbye to you in person but you were out on a date..I hope you and your new girlfriend are doing well...

You're back in the fire nation? How did your father allow that to happen? We might not run into each other, you're in the royal Palace remember? I'm just an average person. My progress is going great, Katara said she'll try her best to accept you. But there's no guarantee.

Which is why you need to do the rest of the work yourself. Iroh said it'll be more meaningful that way. You can meet us at the western air temple, we're going there in two days.

- (Y/n)

30 May

Dear Journal,

Today we had a little bit of training, it went well until Toph and Katara started to fight. They're still getting used to each other. I just hope they figure it out soon, seeing them fight so much is getting on my nerves.

We explored the fire nation a bit, I could tell Sokka, Aang, and Toph had fun. Sokka even ended up getting a messenger hawk which just made sending Zuko letters easier.

While we were exploring I quickly found out not much has changed in the nation which made it easier to tour. But it ended up triggering an episode, I still miss my parents terribly, and seeing a place that constantly reminds me of my dad was hard. But Sokka helped me through it and everyone was understanding.

They're all my best friends, they mean the world to me, and I don't want to lose anyone anymore.

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