Change Of Plans

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"Listen up children. My plan starts now.", Niki said.

Everyone in the room directed their attention towards him.

"Taehyun, could you take Seonwoo to another room please?"

"Sure...", the sick boy replied.

He stood up from the couch and held Seonwoo's hand, leading him upstairs.

"Alrighty. So scrap everything we said about waiting until we find everyone. This, is urgent."

"So how are we going to get them here?", Jake asked.

"We take a huge risk. One I'm not sure you guys are going to like."

"And that is?", Seonwoo's dad asked.

"We bring Seonwoo back."

Everyone went silent.

"Now listen before you say anything. The second half of my plan will stay the same. You see, we bring him to them. We have the police on standby, and we attach a microphone to him."

"Like in the movies?", Jungwon asked.

"Yes! Like in the movies. We put a wire on him. We tell Seonwoo it's for us to keep track of him."

"We have spent the past few days trying to convince Seonwoo that these people were unsafe, telling him that he couldn't go back to them, and you want to send him anyway?", Heeseung asked.

"I know it sounds like a bad idea. But let's face reality for a moment. Seonwoo has no idea who his family is, and there is a big chance that Kai, and those other guys don't either."

They all listened closely.

"These people are all they know. We're lucky Seonwoo even remembered us. It's going to be a cold day in hell before he believes for one second that the circus people didn't care about him."

"So we risk his life by sending him back to those people? What's going to happen if something goes wrong?", Sunghoon asked.

"I will take full responsibility if anything happens to him. Okay? Is that what you want to hear? I want this to be over with. We don't have time for intricate strategies when our friend is scared of his own mother!"

Seonwoo's sister stood up.

"I'm with Riki."

Jay stood up as well.

"As much as I hate to agree to this...I'm with Riki as well."

Seonwoo's parents and the other boys also got up.

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