Listen Close <pt.2>

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"I'm going to need a detailed explanation.", Niki said.

"I don't know. Taehyun was talking to me and then suddenly everything came back.", Seonwoo said.

"I need to thank him. He's a hero.", Jake replied.

The group were downstairs, celebrating Seonwoo regaining his memory.

Niki was informed that some new friends would be joining them, including a boy in a situation similar to the one Seonwoo was in.

The plan would be adjusted to fit Niki and Soobin's idea.

Everything seemed to be starting to go their way. But would it stay like that?

"So when are we going to begin this plan?", Jay asked.

"As soon as everyone gets here. The sooner, the better. I'm ready to get this done and go back to normal life.", Niki answered.

"Same here. Imagine how happy everyone will be to know we saved people from a circus cult.", Jungwon said.

Jake decided to go upstairs and check on Taehyun. He hadn't come back down with Seonwoo, which concerned him.

When Jake reached the top of the stairs, he saw the bedroom door slightly open.

Quietly, he walked to the room, and peeked inside.

Taehyun was just opening his eyes, looking at the ceiling.

"Hey are you alright? Why are you on the floor?", Jake asked.

"I passed out again. Why does it always happen when I'm alone? Am I trying to die or something?"

Jake went and helped him up.

"Seonwoo told us you helped him get his memories back. But, how are you feeling? He mentioned the story."

"Oh yeah. I feel like trash. But, good trash. Like the ones in corporate offices."

"Ok you're concerning me."

"I'm fine. I just need to figure out how to not be sick. I think I might throw up again..."

Taehyun speedily moved to the bathroom, where Jake heard the sounds of him trying to throw up. But nothing was in his stomach, seeing as he hadn't been able to eat since he got sick.

"Should we take you to the doctor?"

"No! I'm good!", Taehyun yelled from the bathroom.

Jake heard footsteps coming full speed up the steps.

Soon, Jay came in.

"Yeonjun is on the way with Beomgyu and those other guys. He said Soobin is staying with Kai until tomorrow. He also wanted us to check on Taehyun."

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