A Two-Sided Coin

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"Do you need help?", Jungwon asked.

"Not at all. I'm super strong.", Jay said.

Jay was carrying the pizza boxes inside. Apparently they ordered way too much, but was that going to stop them? Not at all.

Everyone was asking questions to Taehyun, who happily answered them.

They mostly asked about their home life, and any information on the mother and sister.

"So do we bring them to her?", Jake asked.

"I say we do. Let's see if Lily is still in her evil girl era.", Heeseung said.

He was still holding onto Seonwoo, who was now cuddling him back, staring at nothing.

"Let's eat.", Jay said, "I am personally very hungry."

Right as Jay said that, the front door bell rang.

"Come in!"

The door shot open to reveal Yeonjun and Soobin.

They speedily zoomed to their babies, pulling all three of them into a hug.

"Oh my angels! You're back! How?", Soobin asked.

"We don't know.", Jungwon said.

Taehyun signed, "Wow, more handsome than I remmeber.", to them.

"Well thank you Hyun. Also, you can't talk?", Yeonjun said.

Jungwon explained to them their situation.

"Oh that whore....I mean....*fake cough*....that bad lady.", Soobin said.

Jay made everyone go to the table to they could eat together.

Seonwoo sat on Heeseung's lap. Taehyun sat on Kai's lap.

Jungwon basically climbed on Jay and sat facing him.

"You have to face the other way Wonie.", Jay said smiling.

"Not until I get kisses."

"Ooooo, first day back and already wants kisses.", Sunghoon said.

"Don't mess with my baby. He can have all the kisses he wants. We have two weeks worth to make up for."

Jay kissed his boyfriend on the lips, making the younger blush.

"Now eat.", Jay said.

The group began to eat, with no shortage of conversation happening.

"Oh how cute. Soobin look.", Yeonjun said, pointing to Heeseung and Seonwoo.

The older was feeding Seonwoo. He took little pieces of the pizza and gave it to him.

The younger laughed every time. It was music to Heeseung's ears.

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