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Luz was forced to leave the boiling isles, her home away from home, three years ago. Her mother, Camilla said she was allowed to return when she turns eighteen years old, today was the day after her birthday, she was now allowed to go back to her wonderland. Luz had spent yesterday with her mom cause she didn't want to miss Luz's birthday. But Luz woke up the morning feeling many different emotions. She was overly excited, but nervous as well. "What if they don't like the new her!" "What if they don't want anything to do with her?" Luz thought, she was worried because in the human realm she didn't have any friends and was a loner, she didn't want to go there just to come back since they didn't like her.

Luz was thinking about these things in bed but thought it was about time to get up and get ready. She sat up in her bed, and looked around, her room was kinda bland cause she had token down her posters and packed up her instruments, oh yeah by the way Luz plays a lot of instruments like drums, keyboard, acoustic guitar, but most of all she played the electric guitar. She's played the electric guitar since she was seven but never brought it up to her friends on the boiling isles cause she thought they would think it was dumb, kinda stupid cause she looks badass while playing it. But anyway her room was pretty empty, she had all the stuff she wanted to bring in boxes and her backpack. She was packed but still needed to get ready.

Luz looked for some clothes to wear, she decided on a black shirt with a band called the neighborhood on it, a red, yellow, purple, blue, orange, and pink button up throw over. Black baggy jeans, with some red converse. She also had three small silver chains and a few rings on each of her hands. Yep her style changed a lot, she was kinda punk now but only in the clothes she wore. Her physical appearance was very different from when she was fifteen, she was pretty tall, somehow being 6,1. She has two long strips of hair on her bang part and the rest just a fluffy mess, but it suits her and might I say looks pretty hot. Also she was very muscular now, she started going to the gym when she turned sixteen, she was being bullied so went to the gym and taught those kids not to mess with her, she also did boxing so she could learn how to fight without magic, she knew she would need it, and she was right. But after getting in a couple fights with her bullies they left her alone. For her eighteenth birthday, yesterday. She got a tattoo, it was a light glyph on her shoulder, she thought it looked sick, correct, but also got it cause that specific glyph meant a lot to her. It was the glyph that she discovered glyphs with and the first one created.

Sure Luz changed physically and looks very different, but she changed even more mentally. She wasn't that naive, oblivious, excited, younger self anymore. Now she was pretty quiet and only acted like her old self when people she cared and was comfortable with were around, and that was really only her mama. Luz found out when she got back to earth that she suffers from ptsd, adhd, depressive episodes, and anxiety of all forms. She thought of herself very poorly when it came to her personality, she wasn't to insecure about her looks but she thought she was the most annoying person ever, so she stopped being herself and now only acted happy in-front of people so they didn't think she was being a burden. She thought that if she seemed sad it would burden other people by having to ask if she was ok or happy, so she put on the act. She was still interested in "the good witch Azura" but didn't talk about it that much, she changed every part of herself for other people, and wasn't happy about it but her thoughts are clouded so she kept it on.

Luz got her clothes and headed to the bathroom, she put them on the counter and started the shower, she got in and, you know, showered, ya creeps. She got out drying herself and hair then put on her clothes, brushed the too front parts of her hair and put on forest sent cologne, deodorant, and was now ready. So she left he bathroom to get her stuff and bring it downstairs. She got it all downstairs and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast and say goodbye to her mom.

Camilla: Hola mija! Are you all ready and packed?

Luz: si mami, I just wanted to eat and say goodbye of course.

Camila: well I would hope so young lady!

Luz: of course mami.

Camilla: well breakfast is on the table so get eating you don't want to be late.

Luz: oh right! Gracias mami.

Luz ate her food which she savored because the one thing she was not looking forward to there was the food, it sent shivers down her spine just thinking about it.

Luz: mom I'm done! Can you come down her so I can say bye.

Camille came rushing down the stairs and giving Luz a bone crushing hug.

Camilla: I can't believe I'm letting you do this!

She said with tears in her eyes.

Luz: don't worry mami I will visit you every week, keep out of trouble, and have manners, I promise.

Camilla: I know you will. You've always been my been my pride and joy.

Luz froze knowing she had to act happy so her mom would be happy.

Luz: I know mami, I will miss you, even if I'll see you a lot still.

Camilla: I will to mija, but it's time for you to go, so get your things.

Luz brought her mom into a bone crushing hug lifting her of the ground slightly, and putting her back down, collecting her things and giving her mom a kiss on the cheek.

Luz: goodbye mami!

Camilla: bye mija!

And with that Luz was off to the abandoned house that the key to the portal door opened. She was walking there and thinking, "what if they don't like me anymore" what if they don't remember me" "what if-" her thoughts were cut off tho since she was now at the shack and heard a little hoot.

Luz: hmm what was that?

Luz turned around to see owlbert.


She jumped a little bit from the scare but was relieved to see it was just him.

Luz: are you ready to go buddy?

Owlbert hooted which Luz took as a yes and put the key in the door, it started shaking and soon a large eye opened on the door and the door swung open to reveal a yellow galaxy looking thing.

Luz: ok I'm ready.

Luz took a swift breath in and walked through the door. She was walking when she finally felt some grass on the floor.

Luz opened her eyes to look around.

Luz: I-I-I'm back, IM BACK!


Words 1261

Rock your world   (Lumity band AU)Where stories live. Discover now