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(Luz pov)

Luz: I know you do, I care about you all so much too, so much it hurts when I see you in pain or when anything negative is happening to you.

Willow: well hopefully we won't be in pain anytime soon, ha

I have a weak chuckle and remembered I was going  to tell them I reenlisted in Hexside, hopefully it will lighten the air and leave a positive feeling in them.

Luz: well to brighten things up a bit, I have a surprise for you all!

Amity: what is it?

Luz: well since I'm back for good now and I love learning magic, I'm starting back at Hexside next week!

Gus: OH MY GOODNESS! Yay now we can see you every week day! It's gonna be so much fun! We eat lunch together! Have classes together, and-

Willow cut his ranting off.

Willow: she gets it Gus, and wow I can't wait, but why not this week?

Luz: ha well I sorta had to fight a giant rat thing and maybe sorta blew its head up and now it will take a week for them to clean it up.

I said kinda fast but I knew they understood what I said cause they had their mouths open and looked a little disgusted, probably imagining what it looks like.

Amity: you killed the... raticolisk?

Luz: yes? It wasn't to hard you can all beat it probably faster then I did!

Gus: how fast did it take for you to kill it...

Luz: about three minutes, bumpy was timing it.

Everyone: WHAT!?

Luz: what's the problem?

Willow: Luz that's the strongest monster you can fight at Hexside!

Luz: really, would have never known. Wait even stronger then grom?

Amity: well yes physically but grom has the advantage to getting in your head so if you had to fight one it would probably take longer to defeat grom.

Luz: I see, but what's so special about the rat?

Amity: it lowers your power level when you look at it, it shrinks your bialsack and lowers your stamina.

Luz: well that's why it was so easy for me then, I don't have a bialsack.

Gus: yes but you still have stamina, if you weren't trying to catch your breath every second you got the chance you must have fierce energy!

Luz: well I have been going on 5 mile runs every other day so I guess that helps.

Amity: that's a lot of running.

Luz: eh I think it's kinda pleasant, I like hearing the morning sounds and feeling the cool breeze, hey maybe you guys should come with me tomorrow, we don't have school or nothing so it would be fun!

Willow: I don't know Luz, Gus and amity aren't really the, running, type.

For some reason amity's face got red, does she have a cold?

Amity: yes I am, I would gladly join you!

Luz: awesome! But are you sure you can? you don't look to well.

I get closer and put the back of my hand on amity's forehead to check her temperature.

Luz: oh amity your burning up, do you need water I think your a little sick.

Amity: no I'm not! I mean, I'm just a little hot, I'll turn the heater down.

She got up but tripped and fell onto my lap.

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