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Cowering under a pile of scraps in Meteor City was a small and frail young girl. Her lavender hair was short and filthy, months of dirt embedded in her scalp.

She doesn't remember why she's been in the streets. It's been as long as she can remember. Those silly little details won't giver her food in her belly, or a roof over her head. She had better things to do.

That was when the girl saw a tall thin man, wearing weird clothes that she could tell were worth more than she owns. The small girl could see he has money, and was also carrying a bag of fruits.

The girl took a deep breath, before running as fast as her short legs could take her, making sure to bump into the man before snatching an apple from his bag. This was the part where she sped up before the man could call for help.

But that didn't happen.

She was quickly grabbed by the collar of her rags. Fear took over the lavender-headed girl, clutching the apple tighter to her chest with wide and teary eyes. She didn't weigh enough to break the grip holding her in the air. She was turned to see the man, staring her down with an empty expression. His eyes were like wide, deep voids. Staring at them felt like the girl was surrounded by her deepest fears. She couldn't bear to look any longer.

The man continued to stare before speaking dryly, but she couldn't hear him over the ringing in her ears. The young girl shuddered, closing her eyes tight, expecting to be hit or thrown. But she was forced to open them when met with a snap in her ears. Her eyes snapped open to see the still face of the man she stole from. The lavender head blinked slowly at him, her features still frozen in fear.

"Your name?" He said. The girl couldn't read his tone.

She took a gulp and whispered meekly, "I don't have one." She stared warily in his eyes, searching for any emotion. The man nodded before hoisting her over his shoulder. She froze in her position, confused, to scared to ask any questions.

The only thing she heard from that man the entire trip was, "You will do."

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