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Tsuno failed. Just like everyone else.

Buhara had eaten her dish like it was the best thing he'd ever had bless his tastebuds — but Menchi, oh dear. 

"She said it was burnt! And my presentation was basic! Can you believe that!? I mean, its not like I know how to cook but she can atleast acknowledge my effort!" Tsuno rambled, muttering obscenities. Killua stood beside her as she fumed, staring boredly. She seemed mad, or stressed? Maybe both. 

Her back was rigidly straight, she had her arms crossed but her nails dug into the arm of her skin. He noticed Tsuno tapped her feet a lot, probably a bad habit. She was mid-tangent when Killua pulled on her cheek roughly, then let out go to smack against her jaw. "Hey!" She cried, rubbing the sore skin. "Relax. You're annoying." He stated. Tsuno blinked at him before realizing what he meant. Her cheeks puffed in a pout, causing Killua to pinch the same one again. The lavender-headed girl let out a whine before grabbing Killua's collar and shaking him around rapidly. He made a show of cleaning out his ears to show disinterest further annoying her. 

Good. She seems distracted now.


"I'm stuffed, seems like you all fail! This concludes the second phase of the Hunter Exam." Menchi drawled, glaring down on the applicants. Everyone had presented their pigs by now, and still no one had passed. The later people observed the commentary on the fists few dishes and tried to adjust their dish accordingly. But no matter what anyone tried, it wasn't enough for Menchi. 

There was a sudden crash, and everyone turned to see that the wrestler from earlier had smashed one of the counter sinks in a fit of rage. The water spouted into the air. "I refused to accept this!" He bellowed, his face turning red. 

"And yet you've still failed." Menchi patronized the man. It was then that Tsuno heard something moving its way over to the exam site. She squinted to see a blimp, with the Hunters Association‹ logo plastered on the side. Her attention was drawn away by a loud smack! She turned just in time to see the angry wrestler get smacked out of the way by Buhara's large hands. She stifled a giggle.

It was then that Menchi stood up, harboring six sharp knives.  "Let me be clear," She glared,  "Us Gourmet Hunters risk our lives finding only the best ingredients. It is required for every type of Hunter to master at least one form of martial arts." She brandished the knives so every applicant could see how they glared in the sunlight. "You all lack the creativity and originality necessary to become Hunters." 

"But surely you can't fail everyone?" A voice echoed from above. The blimp was now directly above them, before something came falling hard. 

When it landed, the ground gave way for a huge crater. Revealing it wasn't something, but someone. An old man wearing a traditional man's kimono. He had shaved hair put up in a ponytail. His one-toothed geta dug into the dirt as he stood. 

"Who's that?"

Menchi stood straight in front of the elder. "The head of the Hunters Association and Exam Committee," She dropped herself into a bow, "Chairman Netero."

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