𝟎𝟑 - forgiveness

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tsireya pov

the sound of waves could be heard splashing gently in the distance, and i felt the water gather around my feet as i wrapped my arms around my knees. the soft sand became wet and melted beneath, creating a cooling sensation over my body. the sky's colors turned pink and purple as dusk was approaching.

it was the day after lo'ak and i argued. i had kept myself busy all day doing my duties around the village, but he had never really left my mind. i helped teach some of the younger ones how to swim with ilus, and prepared some of the fish the hunters had gathered. none of the seemingly ordinary tasks i did gave me joy like they used to. life had to go on, even though our clan had suffered. but it was mostly lo'ak i was worried about.

i had come back to the shore to reorganize my thoughts and sort out my feelings. i had a deep connection to the ocean, so i felt it always around me and within me. i never really thought i had a true purpose until i taught the sully family, former omaticayan na'vi, the way of my people. especially lo'ak, i felt we had a special bond that had formed a spark within me. it felt safe, warm, and peaceful. i always craved his presence, but tonight i wanted to be alone with my feelings.

even though i liked lo'ak, his outburst affected me more than i thought it did. i felt hurt and disunited. lo'ak would usually tell me everything, including how he felt about certain things. but the loss of his brother had made him someone different. i was afraid... afraid to lose him to his grief.

suddenly, a familiar sound broke me out of my thoughts. it was a low, shrill whistle. akenehi? i got to my feet with a start, tail swishing anxiously. i dove into the waves without hesitation and started swimming further in the ocean. i broke the surface and called for my tulkun.

"sister? are you there?"

i heard the whistle again and whirled around to see her large figure in the water. i giggled and dove under, the swift motion causing bubbles to roll off my body toward the surface.

why have you called? i signed, tilting my head in confusion. is everything alright?

akenehi moved her fins in the water and opened her mouth slightly. do not worry, everything is fine. i must show you something. come with me. i thought i glimpsed a flash of mischief in her eye.

i nodded and hesitantly grabbed hold of her right fin with both hands. she led me away from the village and in a different direction, whistling squeals of excitement. i was curious to see where she would lead me.

i began to recognize the area when we got closer. it was the path to the cove of the ancestors, where i showed the sully children on one of the days after their arrival. it was a sacred place that the metkayina clan revered for privacy to speak with our mother eywa.

as we broke the surface, i caressed her side with a gentle hand. "why did you take me here, sister?" i whispered.

look over there, she blinked and moved her eyes ahead. i followed her gaze and my heart almost stopped in my chest. in the distance was a familiar figure, seated on one of the rocky surfaces. as i swam closer, i realized it was lo'ak.

lo'ak pov

when i saw tsireya appear with her tulkun, a small smile broke out on my face. i was undoubtedly anxious, but felt contentment that akenehi had followed through with my plan of leading tsireya here. i was also proud of payakan for overcoming his fear to communicate with another tulkun, despite him being an outcast.

"lo'ak? what is going on?" tsireya climbed swiftly onto the rocks beside me, water sliding off of her slim figure. a questionable look graced her features as she pushed some loose curls behind her ear.

"i- i brought you here so i could apologize to you," i admitted, looking into her eyes as i fumbled with my hands. "i truly am sorry for what i did yesterday, you didn't deserve to get yelled at."

"lo'ak," the girl's gentle voice sounded like melodies in my ears. my gaze softened as she took my hand into her smaller ones. "i must admit too, you scared me a bit last night..." i cringed inside and felt negative emotions toward myself. "... but i forgive you."

tsireya smiled when i avoided her eyes, laying a soft hand on my cheek. "lo'ak, i do forgive you."

i met her eyes again and grinned. i knew she was telling the truth in that moment. she always knew how to make me feel better about myself, even when i couldn't.

"thank you, tsireya," i murmured. i squeezed her hands and slid down into the water. tsireya saw the mischievous gleam in my eyes and went under with me. she motioned for me to follow her toward the spirit tree, so i swam after her without hesitation.

the tree was glowing a bright pinkish-purple, its brilliant hues reflecting off into the water and illuminating our skin. tsireya caught me staring at her and she covered her smile with a hand when i quickly glanced away.

isn't it beautiful? tsireya signed to me, a bright smile emerging from her features as we stared at the tree.

yes, but i know something more beautiful than this tree, i responded with more sluggishness than i preferred. i had yet to master the sign language underwater.

really? what could that be? tsireya tilted her head and stared at me, looking genuinely interested.

you. i signed the single word and smiled at her reaction. she seemed to laugh; a delicate, throaty sound, but i still managed to hear it underwater.

thank you, she beamed, an eye smile emerging from her features. but i am curious, how did you get my spirit sister to come here?

i motioned my head to the right, and from around the corner, payakan emerged.

tsireya's eyes widened and she immediately swam behind me, peeping in fear from over my shoulder.

you don't need to be afraid, i turned and signed urgently to her, laying a hand on her shoulder.

my parents told me he is a dangerous killer, she signed back, her eyes not leaving the giant tulkun.

he won't hurt you. i told him that you are my friend. i took hold of her wrist, leading her closer to my spirit brother who remained where he was.

tsireya bit her lip and stared shyly at payakan, keeping a firm grip on my hand. i was willing to be as patient as possible if it meant she could befriend him.

after a short while, tsireya seemed to change her mind and slowly reached out a hand to touch the rough skin near payakan's eye. she closed her eyes and a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

payakan blinked steadily at her and let out a low whistle of contentment that vibrated through the water.

i see you, tsireya signed to the delighted tulkun.


hi everyone! thanks again for voting and commenting on this story! i am trying to update as often as i can, so please be patient with me. also, tsireya's tulkun is unnamed in the movie, so i named her akenehi, which means pure.

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now