𝟐𝟎 - peace

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author pov

the sun was setting over the ocean's horizon, as the light of day faded. lo'ak leaned his back against the marui pod, sharpening his knife with a slab of rock. his movements were slow as his mind was on other things besides his mundane task. he was still thinking about his ikran flight with tsireya from a few nights ago.

"alright sullys, group meeting." lo'ak heard his dad's voice from inside their marui pod. he looked up to see his mom beckoning him inside. he slowly got to his feet and entered the pod, noticing the strangely sullen looks on his parents' faces.

he sat down beside his sisters, his tail swishing curiously. kiri looked bored as usual, and tuk was acting a bit too energetic to sit. neytiri settled her down with a few words of discipline.

once everyone was settled, jake cleared his throat. he crouched down and held his hands together in front of him. he scanned each member of his family as he opened his mouth to speak.

"i need you guys to listen, this is very difficult for your mother and i to say," jake began calmly.

"well, what is it?" kiri asked impatiently, her eyebrows furrowing.

neytiri looked over at jake with a worried gaze and touched his hand.

"we've decided to move on from the metkayina clan."

"what?!" kiri's voice raised in disbelief.

"wait, you mean like leave them?" lo'ak's eyes widened in shock.

"forever?" tuk's eyes filled with tears.

"no, tuktuk, not forever," neytiri comforted her daughter and rubbed her back gently. "we just may not see them for a long time."

"lo'ak, remember when we were on the sky patrol a few days ago?" jake asked his son gravely.

lo'ak nodded grimly, his eyes narrowed.

"i saw another recom aircraft a few islands away from where we were. we are being pursued again," jake's lips formed a thin, tight line. "we cannot risk this clan's safety over ours again."

"dad, are you being serious?" lo'ak asked, his voice rising in anger. "you didn't think to tell us earlier?"

when jake didn't respond and stared at the ground, that was enough of an answer for lo'ak. he knew then that they were leaving, for real. in one swift motion, he stood up and stormed out of the marui pod, fighting back tears.

he walked briskly toward the shore, his fists clenched in frustration. he didn't want to leave the metkayina clan behind. most importantly, he could not bear the thought of never seeing tsireya again. he had promised her that they would stay together. her clan had become his family, his home, and now they were being forced to leave because of the constant threat of danger from the colonel and his recom squad. he refused to believe it was all happening.

lo'ak stopped at the edge of the shore, staring out at the sunset over the ocean. the beauty of it all was lost on him, his mind racing with thoughts of leaving everything he knew behind. he turned around when he heard soft footsteps behind him in the sand.

the stiffness of his shoulders dropped when he saw the girl standing in front of him, her face etched with concern. tsireya held her hands together in front of her chest, her body language slow and distressed as she watched him.

"tsireya..." sadness laced lo'ak's voice as he felt his thoughts could not be put into words to bear the news to her.

"lo'ak, it's alright. my father told me as well," the girl murmured, her eyes scanning the boy's face with matching sorrow.

"i-i can't leave, i want to stay here with you." lo'ak's face changed when an impulsive thought popped into his head. "or... or you could come with us," he pleaded, grasping onto her hands with his own.

a loud silence rested between the two, almost deafening to both their ears. they both knew it was impossible.

tsireya took in a silent breath as she held onto the hands she had become so comfortable holding.

"lo'ak... you know i can't do that. my responsibility lies here with my clan and my people." she murmured, feeling her heart crack as the words left her lips.

"i know, but-" lo'ak squeezed his eyes shut and briefly grimaced, hating the situation his father had put on both of them. "i just wish we could stay together." he opened his eyes and stared deeply into tsireya's.

tsireya's heart raced as she maintained eye contact with him. she knew their time was now limited, and they had to make the most of it. the sully family would be leaving any day soon. lo'ak's touch made her feel alive, and she craved it more than anything.

"lo'ak, i want to stay with you too, but we cannot change this," she said, holding his gaze. "but there is something else..."

"what do you mean?"

"if you remember when we first kissed in the ocean... i saw everything around us glow, the fish, the plants, almost as if eywa was pleased with us. i believe that she brought us together for a reason."

"i believe it, too."

" no matter where you go, lo'ak, we will always have a connection. ocean hearts." she whispered.

lo'ak's face lit up at her words, and he pulled her in, kissing her with a desperation that left her breathless. tsireya's mind went blank as she lost herself in the moment, feeling lo'ak's strong arms wrapped around her. they broke apart, gasping for air, and tsireya could see the raw emotion in lo'ak's eyes.

"i'll come back for you, tsireya," he whispered softly. "i promise."

lo'ak and tsireya wrapped their arms around each other and leaned in closer, touching their foreheads together as the soft breeze touched their skin. they stood still for a long time, soaking in each other's lasting presence.

- FIN -

𝗼𝗰𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 | lo'ak x tsireyaWhere stories live. Discover now